Sunday, 26 February 2023

An unexpected meeting (M/F story)

I recently noticed that I hadn't uploaded this story, which is a sequel to The Hiking Cabin. Both stories were written for a Norwegian spanking story group many years ago. I've now translated them.
This was about three weeks after the incident in the mountains, where a cute girl who called herself Sarah stole my wallet and tried to escape. I caught up with her and spanked her soundly to repay her. Afterward, she stole my watch and disappeared without a trace. Needless to say, I've kept better care of my valuables after this.

I feel it's necessary with some background information. I started working right after high school, and noticed that my IT knowledge wasn't as good as it could have been. The local college had some IT classes available, and I took a few to further my career. Eventually, I'd ended up as a teacher's assistant in some of the classes.

It was a Monday morning, and I went into the data lab to meet the new students. I gave a short explanation of what was expected of them, and how I could help. As I glanced over the room, I could see a red-haired girl that I recognized. This wasn't that unusual, as I'd seen Sarah everywhere the last few weeks – she'd made quite an impression. The unusual part of the situation was that it seemed she was actually here.

I looked again. There were probably a lot of cute red-headed girls in this town, and I didn't want to be wrong. I wasn't wrong, and from the look of panic on her face, she seemed to recognize me as well. She looked like a rabbit trying to assess how hungry the fox that had caught her in her den was.I walked around the room and helped those students that had questions. I was supposed to get them working with some assignments from the book, so I did. When I felt that they were working efficiently and I would have some seconds to myself, I sat down on my own computer and searched through the student list. There was no one called Sarah in the class, so I decided to figure out what my little thief was actually named. I could have asked her, but since the only two things I really knew about her was that she was a liar and a thief, I was somewhat in doubt whether I would get the truth.

The student list had pictures as well, and I found her quickly, especially since there were only five female students in the class.

"So, Christine, is it?" I asked as I sat down next to her. She sat at the back of the lab, some distance from the closest student, so we could talk privately.

"Yes," she responded, now remarkably pale.

"I thought you said your name was Sarah last time we met," I said calmly. She knew she was in trouble, so I had no problem taking it slowly and letting her nervousness build.

"I did," she admitted.

"I have to tell you, you have a gift for making the situation worse for yourself."

We sat there for a few seconds in complete silence.

"So what happens now?" she eventually asked. She didn't seem to be looking forward to the answer.

"For the next two hours, I'm going to be helping these students, and you're going to sit here. I don't care WHAT you do here – work on the assignment, surf the web, whatever – but you will remain in this seat until I tell you otherwise. When I'm done here, you're coming with me, and we can discuss what happened."

"And if I don't want to?" she said with a frown.

"I have your name and address now. I could report you to the police." What I didn't have was EVIDENCE that she'd stolen from me, but I wasn't about to tell her that. Fortunately, she didn't seem to figure it out on her own. Silently, with a nervous look on her face, she nodded.

"This is where I live," I said as I opened the door to my apartment. It was somewhat messy, but her mind seemed to be elsewhere, so she didn't say anything. I sat down in one of the living room chairs, and she took the other one.

"So. Let's go through the sequence of events. You steal my wallet. I give you a good spanking. You then decide it's a good idea to steal my watch. Could you explain the logic to me?"

She said nothing, just stared at the floor.

"In addition, you've given me a false name, and who knows what else you've lied to me about."

She still said nothing.

"Do you know what I'm going to do now?" I asked. She nodded. "What am I going to do?" I demanded.

She opened her mouth, but it was clear it was hard to force herself to say the word. "Spank," she eventually managed to croak.

"That's correct. I'm going to take you across my lap and give you a sound spanking on your bare bottom, until you promise to be a good girl from now on."

She was still staring at the floor.

"Look at me, Christine," I said strictly. Reluctantly, she looked up. "Can you give me a reason why I shouldn't?"

She shook her head.

"Come here," I said, pointing to my right side.

She rose to her feet and walked where I had directed her. When I started to unbutton her trousers, she gave a nervous whimper. "What if someone hears us?"

"The only person living in this house, apart from myself, is the old lady I'm renting from. She's visiting her grandkids."

She seemed slightly relieved, but it was still a scary situation for her.

I lowered her trousers to her knees, thought for a second, and then pulled them all the way down to the floor. "Step out of them," I commanded. Then, I did the same to her panties.

She was now naked from the waist down, apart from a pair of small green socks, and looked as if she could die from shame at any moment. She held both hands in front of her crotch, blushing furiously.

I patted my knee. "Come here." She obeyed immediately, eager to hide her front from my gaze. Her rear end was pale and trembling, and looked fairly fragile. It was almost a shame to do what I was about to do to it. Almost.

I started gently, with light slaps, but I spanked fast, and made sure to cover her entire backside from the upper to the lower parts. At the start, she lay limply over my lap, whimpering pitifully, but after a few minutes, the pain started to build. I smacked harder and faster, and I soon noticed that her tears were flowing freely. Her pale rear had become pink, and had started to turn red.
She kicked her legs and wriggle, and I placed my arm around her waist to hold her in place. She promised that she'd learned her lesson, and she would move heaven and earth if I only showed mercy.

When I was satisfied with the redness I had achieved, I helped her up. Her face was red and tear-streaked, but to my surprise, some part of her seemed blissful, as if she'd needed this. Or wanted? I wasn't entirely sure.

She was still crying, so I hugged her close to calm her down. Soon, we were kissing. I'm not entirely sure who took the next step, but things escalated.

An hour later I was sitting in my bed, watching the sleeping beauty next to me. She was truly beautiful, and her red bottom did not ruin the image. On the contrary, it gave a sort of strange harmony with her red hair.

I had a feeling that this was not the last time I saw this view, for Christine seemed like a girl who benefitted from a good spanking from time to time.

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I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...