Sunday, 26 March 2023

The Magic Ring 1: Hot for Teacher (M/F story)

I sighed as I skimmed through the work I'd been assigned. Being stuck in detention really wasn't the way I had wanted to spend my Friday afternoon, but my wishes had not been taken into consideration. The teacher had caught me with a pack of cigarettes, and though I was legally old enough to smoke, I'd been given detention for smoking on school grounds. I pointed out that I hadn't – I'd gone down to the nearby lake instead. In consideration of this, the charges had been dropped, and I'd been given detention for leaving school grounds during the school day instead.

I started to work on the assignment, fuming to myself. This was so unfair! I was eighteen – a woman, not a girl, and shouldn't have to sit in detention. It was bad enough that I still had to wear this stupid school uniform. I was also the only student here – it was just me and the teacher.

Mister Page, the teacher in charge of detentions, was sitting at the front of the classroom, throwing me the occasional scowl to remind me to feel sorry for my misconduct. That meant there was at least one bright spot to being here; I had something nice to look at. Robert Page was a tall, handsome, dark-haired, well-dressed man in his early thirties, and he seemed to be completely unaware of the way some of the girls would giggle and flutter their eyelashes when they saw him. I had to admit I found him quite fit as well.

"Still, there are better things I could do on a Friday afternoon," I mumbled to myself. I had a bad habit of talking to myself; mumbling the thoughts that other people would leave as internal monologues. It had gotten me in trouble a few times, but fortunately, Mister Page was too far away to hear me.

As I continued to write, my eyes rested on the ring I'd found on the shore of the lake, and which I now wore on my right hand. It looked to be a beautiful silver ring with a small, red gem on it, but I assumed it was a cheap fake – in real life, you didn't find valuable jewellery on the beach during a smoke break.

I glanced over at Mister Page, who was writing something in his notebook. "You're just as unhappy about being here as I am, I suppose," I mumbled just as quietly as before. "You poor thing. I wish you'd take me over your lap and spank me instead – then we could both go home." I had always had a secret interest in spanking, and the thought of being placed over Mister Page's knee sounded far more appealing than being stuck doing schoolwork all afternoon.

Saturday, 18 March 2023

Gambling (MM/FF story)

"Oh, come on, Lynn. I'm sure you can find the money somehow," Elizabeth whined to her older sister. The petite teenager had short-cropped red hair, and a cute button nose covered in freckles. The worn, dirty summer dress she wore would not have been considered suitable attire to the daughter of a country squire if her father had seen it, but Elizabeth rarely cared about what other people thought.

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable helping my baby sister enter a gambling den," Lynn responded. Unlike her younger sister, Lynn kept her ginger hair in long curls, and the tall woman wore a beautiful gown that her husband Michael had bought for her. They were sitting on a bench in the garden of Lynn and Michael's manor, having just gone for a nice walk on the grounds in the sunshine.

"I am eighteen - I'm not a child anymore. I've been to the places often enough to learn how to play cards, so I'll get the money back before the evening is over - probably."

"I could ask Michael for some money, but he'd definitely want to know what I was going to do with it. Do you expect me to take it without his permission? Or lie to him about it?" She shook her head. "And what do you think Father would do if he found out about it? He would not be happy, I can tell you that. You'd probably get a spanking."

Elizabeth shrugged. "That's my problem, sis. I'm willing to risk that. Besides, why are you so worried? You're 25, and a married woman - Father would never spank you now." She raised an eyebrow. "Or are you worried about Michael? Do you think your husband will take you over his knee?"

Sunday, 12 March 2023

Pestering (F/F story)

Jill smiled as she looked at her girlfriend, who was lounging on their bed in their tiny flat. Rachel was wearing a nice-looking top, a short skirt, and her dark hair was loose around her shoulders. The only thing ruining a very appealing view was the fact that she was reading one of her textbooks, making notes on a sheet of paper.

"Come on, Rachel, put that book down. I want to have some fun tonight," Jill exclaimed.

Rachel looked over her glasses at her girlfriend with an annoyed look on her face. "None of that whining, please. I told you had some college assignments I needed to finish today. We can have fun once that's done."

"But I'm bored, and you're hot," Jill pointed out.

Rachel shook her head. "Read a book or go for a walk. You can watch some TV or play some games if you keep the sound low. Do whatever you want, as long as you don't disturb me until I'm done."

Jill rolled her eyes. Homework was one of the reasons she chose not to go to college after finishing high school - working at a grocery store had its downsides, but at least they never asked you to write assignments during your spare time. "I can't believe you're choosing that book over me," she grumbled. "Don't you love me anymore?"

Rachel glared at her, rapidly running out of patience. "I've told you, we're not doing anything until my schoolwork is done. Bothering me won't get you what you want... and if you don't let me study, I'm going to give you something else you don't want." A sudden thought struck her. "In fact, why don't you fetch my hairbrush?"

Sunday, 5 March 2023

The mentor (M/F story)

At the age of twenty-three, the office worker Lena had ended up in the fortunate position of being mentored by Edward Robbins, one of the higher-ups at the company. He had told her he was impressed by her ambition, her work ethic, and her willingness to own her mistakes – her most glaring flaw was her lack of experience. With his guidance, her work improved rapidly. However, he eventually noticed that her progress was threatening to make her overconfident. She didn't heed him as much as she did during the first few months, and she took unnecessary risks. He tried to talk to her, to guide her back to the path. It seemed to work, for the first few days, but she was soon getting lazy again.

Five months after the start of the mentorship, the real trouble happened. Lena had sent some documents with confidential information to the wrong contractor, leading to some difficulties with the client. After making a few phone calls to calm the situation, Mr Robbins called Lena into his office.

He had not asked her to take a seat, so she stood before his desk, fighting the urge to fidget. She felt like a schoolgirl standing before her strict headmaster. Mr Robbins was a tall, broad-shouldered man with strength in his frame, confidence in his eyes, and just a hint of grey in his dark hair. He was currently examining some documents, not looking at her – she knew it was a deliberate tactic on his part; he was trying to heighten her discomfort. It was working.

Finally, he placed the documents down and glanced up at her. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"I am sorry, sir," she said, meeting his gaze. "It was a silly mistake, made in the heat of the moment. I should not have been so careless."

"No, you shouldn't," he said. He picked up a pen and made some notes on a piece of paper – she'd never quite worked out whether he was actually writing something, or just giving himself time to think, and to let her stew. He looked up at her again. "I'm about to write a report on this affair, and I have two options. The first is to write exactly what happened, which will be a black mark on your record. You'll certainly survive, but it is likely to affect your future career trajectory."

She knew he was telling the truth – this would be an obstacle for her. "And the other option?" she asked.


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...