Stephen sighed as he thumbed through the stack of reports, trying to find the one that was actually relevant. The blond barrel-chested man in his thirties was sitting in a meeting room, preparing a presentation on a customer with Rachel, one of his coworkers, and there was a lot of old data to go through. It didn't seem to bother Rachel much, though – she had a sunny disposition.
His phone, which was lying on the table, buzzed with an incoming message. After a few seconds, Rachel looked over at him. The tall, well-dressed woman with the long, curly red hair raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you going to see what it was?"
"It can wait. I'm trying to find the right file," he said absently, still working his way through the reports.
"It could be important," she suggested. "Or urgent!"
"If it was urgent or important, they would have called," he said drily.
"Come on, aren't you curious?" she ribbed. When he shook his head, she declared, "Well, I am!" And before he could react, she'd picked up the phone. "Oh, it's a picture! Someone sent you – " She went quiet, and for a few seconds, she stared wide-eyed at the screen. Blushing furiously, she placed the phone slowly down on the table, then walked out of the room, deliberately avoiding eye-contact. On her second try, she got the door open, and she almost managed to avoid walking into the doorframe on her way out. Her footsteps disappeared down the hall.
It was with a certain feeling of trepidation that Stephen picked up the phone.
The text had come from Molly. It was a picture of her bare bottom, coloured red and then beautifully decorated with cane lines that had just begun to bruise. It was accompanied by the words "Look what you did to my butt, you brute :-) Can I call you for another set once this one has faded?" A lovely text to receive from the petite imp, but not one he was eager for his female coworkers to see.
Sunday, 25 February 2024
The cellphone picture (M/F story)
Sunday, 18 February 2024
Spanked by her boss (M/F story)
He sighed; it never felt good to have to fire an employee, and the fact that Annabel was his wife's best friend did not make it easier. "You know why I've called you in here," he said.
She nodded, her face showing just how miserable and nervous she was.
"When you go out on the town with clients to celebrate a big contract, we would expect you to drink in moderation," he said drily. "Getting absolutely hammered? Dancing on the table? Being a little TOO honest with some of our favourite clients?" The dark-haired, athletic man looked at his notes. There was also a rumour that she'd taken her shirt off, but he decided not to ask. He didn't want to know, and he suspected that she wasn't too eager to talk about it either.
Annabel wet her lips, but it seemed she still found nothing to say. She was also still staring at the floor.
"I've got Johnny doing damage control. He MIGHT be able to salvage the deal, but it's going to take a lot, even for him." He paused. "You know what I have to do, don't you?"
Somehow, she managed to hang her head even lower. "I'm fired, aren't I?"
"Can you give me a good reason why I shouldn't?" he said calmly. It wasn't a rhetorical question; he really, REALLY wanted her to find some reason why she should keep her job. He'd tried, but had come up empty.
"I'm very sorry, Mister Leyton," she said, finally meeting his gaze. "I'll never do it again!"
"I didn't think you WOULD do it again – I still can't believe you did it at all," he said. "Not good enough, I'm afraid."
"Carol's not going to like it if I lose my job," she said, then paled and took a step back when she saw the expression on his face.
"How DARE you!" he snapped, feeling his calm demeanour slipping away. "How dare you bring her name into this!" With an effort, he managed to bring his emotions under control. "I'm well aware of your close friendship with my wife," he said as calmly as he could. "But it's not relevant to this situation, and it cannot affect our working relationship." He frowned as something suddenly occurred to him. "On the other hand, if you think I'm letting it affect my judgement negatively – that I'm treating you unduly harshly – I'm happy to send this matter to Jane, and let her make the final call."
Annabel shook her head. "I'm very sorry, sir. I shouldn't have brought it up." He nodded; he certainly agreed with that. "But isn't there anything I can do, sir?" she begged. "Isn't there any way to keep my job?"
He shrugged. "If there is, I can't find it."
For a few seconds, her gaze drifted, as if she was deep in thought. Seeming to make up her mind, she swallowed and looked at him. "You know, Carol has told me a lot about you and your private life."
He raised an eyebrow, wondering where this was going. She wasn't doing herself any favours by bringing up his wife again, and if she was trying to blackmail him or something like that, he would make sure she regretted it.
"She's talked about her… punishments," Annabel said, licking dry lips and squirming under his cold gaze.
"What did she say?" he said calmly.
Sunday, 11 February 2024
Blistered bookworm (M/f story)
"So I see," Mr Becker commented drily. "And just two weeks late this time – instead of your usual month."
Jessica blushed. The eager bookworm was a bit absent-minded, and she had a tendency to forget about return dates. Mr Becker had scolded the petite brunette for it more than once. "I'm sorry. I thought I'd remember this time, but I guess I didn't," she said with a wince. "Same fine as usual?"
"That's correct, but I'm afraid that's not all." The tall, dark-haired man in his early thirties steepled his fingers, looking severely at the teenaged miscreant. "I'm afraid you've been late too many times, Jessica. You've proven yourself unreliable. Per school rules, you are banned from bringing any books home."
"I'm sorry?" Jessica said, blinking in confusion. He couldn't have said what she thought she'd heard, could he?
"I'm sorry too, Jessica," he said, his expression not changing. "But those are the rules, and I see no reason to make an exception in this case."
"I'm banned from the library!?" Jessica stared at him in horror, trying to process this terrible development. "Please, Mr Becker. You can't do this!" she pleaded pitifully.
"You're not banned from the library" he told her, trying to calm her down. "You can still come here and read – you just can't take any of the books home with you."
"Please, sir," Jessica pleaded. Tears were running down her face, but she didn't care. "Please. I need this library. I promise I'll do better. I'll return the books on time from now on! I'll pay DOUBLE the fine. I'll do anything – just don't ban me!"
Sunday, 4 February 2024
Internet anger (M/F story)
Jeff arrived home from the office to find his girlfriend in her pyjamas at her desk, typing furiously on her computer. "Hi, honey. How was your hike?"
Mary started, as if she'd been too preoccupied with whatever she was doing to notice him enter. "Oh. Hi, Jeff. I haven't gone yet. I was just... I'll go later."
He stepped over to her, kissing her forehead, which made her grin and blush. Jeff was a foot taller than her, thin and lanky, and the short, curvy redhead liked it when he babied her. Standing close to her, Jeff could confirm that she also hadn't showered today. "I thought your plan was to go for a walk early today, and then make dinner?"
"It was," she nodded. "I just decided to browse Reddit before I left, and ..." She waved her hand vaguely at the screen.
He looked over the shoulder. "You've spent the entire day arguing with people online?"
"Did you SEE what this guy wrote about The Last Jedi?" She grumbled. "I wasn't going to let him get away with that."
"And how many hours have you spent trying to correct him? You had plans today – did you really think that getting angry at people online was a better use of your time? " His disappointment was clear in his voice. "And it looks like we're going to have to have another discussion about which words are acceptable and which are not. I'm not happy about this vocabulary," he said, with a raised eyebrow.
Mary fidgeted in her chair. "I couldn't let him say those things unopposed!" she snapped.
"Well, I think it's about time you logged off," he said, closing her laptop. She pouted, but didn't protest. He then surprised her by taking her hand and gently pulling her to her feet, before guiding her toward the couch.
As she was being led, Mary wondered just what her boyfriend was doing. A sudden suspicion made her bottom tingle unpleasantly, and she stopped, a cold shiver running down her back. "Jeff, what are you doing?"
"We are going to have a little discussion about how you've chosen to spend your day," he said.
Ah. That didn't sound good. "Am I going to like this discussion?"
"No, you are not," he told her gently.
"When... when you say 'discussion', do you mean you're going to take me across your knee and spank my bottom?" she said in a tiny, fearful voice.
"That's correct," he said, his voice still gentle as he sat down on the couch. "I think that's the best way to handle this. Don't you?"
I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...
"Vanessa? It IS you, isn't? it?” I looked up to see that the little blonde in the white top and pink shorts who had been looking at...
Once again, Luther found himself patrolling the hallways between classes. The head boy found he could often quieten down misbehaving younger...