Angus sighed as he looked at the mess his housemate Tommie had made of the kitchen. The lanky blond man shook his head in disbelief. "How exactly did you accomplish this?"
The short, curvy redhead shrugged. "I was cooking."
"You were frying an egg!"
"Eggs are tricky," she said defensively, pouting.
Usually, the college only housed opposite-sex students in the same flat if they knew each other, but a mistake had been made – Angus suspected Tommie's name had confused someone. When the error was discovered, it had been too late in the process to fix it, but the pair had shrugged and given it a try. They had separate bedrooms, so what was the issue? Angus had secretly hoped that a female housemate would be cleaner than the boys he'd lived with before, but over the weeks they'd lived together, Tommie had certainly proven him wrong. She was easily the messiest person he'd ever met. The fact that she played loud music when he was trying to sleep was just the icing on the cake.
Still shaking his head at the state of the kitchen, Angus commented "You know, I think I'd get my butt spanked if I'd made a mess like this at home."
Tommie blushed a fiery red, squirming at his words. "Oh, come on, don't be silly. Nobody gets spanked these days, do they?"
"I was spanked growing up," he told her, "And you'd better believe it taught me not to walk away from messes like this."
"Were you!?" Tommie stared at him as if he was a wondrous visitor from another planet, her eyes wide and shining. "When? Where? How? By who?"
Surprised at her interest and embarrassed by the questions about his old punishments, Angus ignored her and started to clean, hoping she'd take some responsibility for her own mess. She eventually chipped in, but also continued to badger him for information. As the interrogation showed no signs of stopping, he finally decided to tell her what she wanted to know, eager to get back to the usual silence of the flat.
"I was spanked by my mother. Sometimes on the spot, bent under the arm, but usually, I was sent to my bedroom to change into my pyjamas, which she always pulled down before taking me over her knee. I was then sent straight to bed afterward. She always used her hand, but if she thought I'd been particularly naughty, I got the hairbrush as well."
To his dismay, sharing these personal, painful memories did nothing to quell her curiosity, as she constantly found new questions. "Did it hurt? Did you cry? How long did the marks last? Could you sit comfortably? When was the first time you were spanked? When was the last time? How often did it happen? Was it only your mother – were you ever spanked by someone else? Did you ever have to do corner time afterward?"
"Why are you so interested?" he demanded after a while. "Weren't you ever spanked?"
"No, of course not," she told him. "I grew up in the twenty-first century!"
The questions continued the next day, and the day after that. Angus mostly ignored her, but when the questions got too tiresome, he eventually relented and answered her – which was a terrible idea, since it rewarded her for being annoying, but he didn't know what else to do.
Friday was the fourth day after the kitchen mess. The two were sitting in front of the TV, watching a panel show, and Angus was enjoying the unaccustomed silence. No stupid questions, no needling, just the finest British comedy and –
"Were you ever spanked in front of anyone else? Who was it, and why?" Tommie suddenly said.
Angus sighed. She just wouldn't shut up, and he'd finally had enough. "Tommie, if you're so curious about spankings, I think I know what you need. Go change into your pyjamas, and I'll put you across my knee and give you a good spanking. Maybe that will answer all your questions."
Sunday, 28 July 2024
Curious college girl (M/F story)
Sunday, 21 July 2024
Dressing up for her tutor (M/F story)
Ruby looked in the bathroom mirror, admiring the cute panties she'd picked out: white cotton ones, covered with little hearts in different colours. No eighteen-year-old girl WANTED to go over her maths tutor's knee and have her poor bottom smacked, of course, but if she had to, she wanted to look her best. And with how lazy she'd been lately, and from the stories she had heard about Nathan's strictness when pushed, she had a feeling that there was a sound spanking in her very near future.
She thought about how humiliating it would be to be bent over his lap, facing the carpet with her rear end upturned and ready to meet his descending hand. He would certainly raise her skirt and spank her on her adorable panties, wouldn't he? She didn't think he'd be satisfied with a few smacks over the skirt. No, he would definitely raise her skirt before he spanked her. Oh, what if he pulled her panties down? The thought made her shiver. Having him just SEE her bare bottom was such a scary thought – but imagining him spanking it was even more frightening.
She turned her back to the mirror, glancing over her shoulder as she bent over. Her panties presented such a lovely sight. She hoped he would like them.
The doorbell rang, and Ruby realized that she'd spent half an hour in the bathroom thinking about what she was certain was going to happen to her today. She threw on the blouse and skirt she'd prepared, and she ran to open the door. Taking a brief second calm down and make it look like she was prepared for his arrival, she opened the door.
"Hello, Ruby," Nathan said. The tall, handsome tutor in his mid-twenties gave her a charming smile that made her slightly weak-kneed. "Ready for another session?"
"Nice to see you again," Ruby said as she stepped aside to let him in. They entered the living room, where Ruby's books and pencils were laid out on the table. At least she'd remembered that. She hoped it would count as mitigating circumstances when her severe punishment was decided.
As they sat down, Nathan looked over the assignments he'd given her after the last session. She bit her lip as she watched him frown – he was clearly not entirely pleased. Taking a red pen from his pocket, he highlighted the parts she'd got wrong, and started showing her how it should really be done. Afterwards, he scolded her for the bits she hadn't even tried to do – "If you at least try, there's a good chance you'll get it right, and even if you don't, you can learn something. A blank page teaches you nothing."
She did her best to look contrite, but the fluttering of her heart was making it hard to concentrate. This was it. It was really happening. In a few moments, she would find herself over his lap, pleading for mercy and promising to do better in the future as he spanked her soundly. She couldn't believe it.
He ended his lecture, giving her a stern glare that made the butterflies in her tummy absolutely frenzied, before returning his gaze to the books. "Anyway, if you turn to page 211, we can get started on the next set of –"
"That's it?" she said, shocked. "You're not going to…" He looked at her with curiosity, wondering where was going. She blushed. "Well, it's just… I thought – I'd heard rumours that…" She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I'd heard that you'd… punish girls that didn't do their work."
Sunday, 7 July 2024
The half-orc and the halfling (M/F story)
The tiny woman smiled up at him as she entered, shaking her head at his precautions. Even the other halflings would describe Lily Springkettle as short and cute, but her charismatic personality and head for money had made her a very successful merchant. Grim just wished she had as much common sense as she had business sense.
Lily talked to the innkeeper and got a good deal on a suite of rooms at the back of the inn – two bedrooms and a small living room, quite stylish. Lily had the money to live comfortably even on her travels, and Grim was quite pleased that she was willing to spend it. There were certain upsides to being her bodyguard.
Once they'd settled in, Grim looked at his employer. "There are some supplies we need before we move on, and I'd like us to buy them today – that way, we don't have to wait for the shops to open tomorrow before we leave."
Lily leaned back in the rather comfortable chair. The pout on her face made her look even more like a child than she usually did, but he knew she wouldn't appreciate him pointing it out. "Do I have to come? You know what we need. Can't you just buy it? I'll give you the money, of course."
He thought about it. A nice room in a decent inn would not be the worst place to leave a naïve merchant for an hour or two. As long as she stayed here, she would be entirely safe.
As long as she stayed here.
Grim stepped over to her, folding his arms in front of his chest and staring down at her. "Promise me that you'll stay in our rooms and not go wandering the streets on your own."
She rolled her eyes. "That was ONE time."
"You lost your purse," he reminded her. "And that wasn't the worst thing that could have happened." He bent down, placing a gentle hand under her jaw to force her to look him in the eyes. "Promise."
She sighed, rolling her eyes again. "Fine. I'll stay here and do some reading. That's what I was planning to do, anyway." She glared at him. "Who do you think is in charge here, anyway?"
"Good to hear," he said, ignoring her last question. "See you later."
As he walked out into the streets, he knew he shouldn't talk to his employer that way, but there was something about her appearance and her innocent obliviousness to danger that awoke his protective instinct that made him want to shield her from the dangers of the world. She knew things about trade that would never grasp, about supply and demand and artificial scarcity and things like that, but she would gladly follow someone into a dark alley for a free piece of candy. There was something paternal here; he wanted to keep the fragile little thing safe at all costs. He frowned – at least, he THOUGHT it was paternal.
I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...
"Vanessa? It IS you, isn't? it?” I looked up to see that the little blonde in the white top and pink shorts who had been looking at...
Once again, Luther found himself patrolling the hallways between classes. The head boy found he could often quieten down misbehaving younger...