Sunday 6 October 2024

Halloween in the cemetery (M/F story)

It was Halloween, midnight was only half an hour away, and Zoe was wandering around in the town's old graveyard. Goosebumps rose on her arm as she glanced at the nearby tombstones. Just a few more minutes, and the most magical time of the most magical night of the year would be here. She could wander around in this spooky atmosphere for –

A hand landed on her shoulder, and she screeched in terror. Oh no! The monsters had got her!

She spun around, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw it was just her boyfriend Thomas.

"Are you really still here, Zoe?" Thomas sounded tired. She nodded eagerly. "What exactly is it you hope will happen?"

"I'll catch a glimpse of some ghastly ghosts and ghoulies," she whispered breathlessly. "And goblins! And… other things beginning with G, probably."

He raised an eyebrow. "You're twenty-three. Aren't you too old for this sort of thing?"

"I'll never be too old for ghoulies," she said, pouting, before folding her arms in front of her chest and glaring at him. Why did he always try to ruin her fun with things like logic?

"Well, I don't want you out here all night. You have classes tomorrow, remember?"

"I'll skip them," she said breezily.

"Oh really?" he said with a stern look that made her backside tingle unpleasantly.

"Eh… I mean… " Zoe quickly backtracked. When Thomas had that expression on his face, it usually meant she would end up with a sore bottom unless she treaded carefully. "I'll DEFINITELY go to my classes tomorrow. I won't up be THAT late." She could tell that he was wavering, and quickly pressed her advantage. "Come on, Thomas. It's only Halloween once a year, right?"

He thought about it. "Well. We can stay here half an hour, but we go home at midnight. You need to go to bed soon, or you'll fall asleep in class again."

She pouted. "But midnight is when it all begins! We have to stay here at least until one o'clock – the full midnight hour!"

"We leave at midnight," he repeated, once again using his stern voice. "This is not up for discussion, Zoe."

"As you wish," she said sweetly, smiling at him. She was sure that once midnight arrived, he'd see her point of view. It would be cruel to take her home just when the magic begun, wouldn't it?
They sat down on the blanket Zoe had brought, cuddling up together. Zoe smiled blissfully as she leaned against her boyfriend's chest, the scent of his cologne in her nostrils as they shared warmth. Why couldn't every day be like this?

Far too soon, his watch beeped. "That's midnight. Time for bed, Zoe."

"Aw, but we can't leave now!" she pouted. "We have to stay a while longer!"

He raised an eyebrow. "Zoe, I have already let you stay here another half-hour. Remember that you have to be up early tomorrow. We can come here tomorrow night – you won't have classes on Saturday."

"But tomorrow's not Halloween – today is!" she whined.

"Zoe, we're leaving now," he said, his voice stern again.

"This sucks," she grumbled, then muttered "Bastard" under her breath, too low for him to hear. Or at least, that's what she'd TRIED to do. From the look on his face, she realized that she hadn't quite managed it.

Sighing, he grabbed her earlobe, causing her to yelp. "Fine, if you insist." She was dragged over to a nearby bench, then tipped over his lap. She stared down at the grass, feeling him flip up her skirt and lower her panties. She winced as the first sound smacks landed on her pale posterior.

Her eyes widened. This was far from the first time that Thomas had spanked her, but in public? How horrible! Sure, no one was around, but what if the ghosts saw? She tried to stand up, but he held her down.

"You're not going anywhere," he told her. "You've asked for this all evening, and you're going to get it." His hand continued to slam down on her sore seat.

He moved from cheek to cheek, covering every inch of her squirming bottom. Thomas was quite an experienced spanker by now, and knew just how to make his girlfriend regret whatever bit of mischief she'd done now.

"Ow! Please, I'm sorry," she whimpered, the sting in her tail growing with every slap.

"Are you going to go to bed at a reasonable hour?" he asked, still spanking her firmly.

"Yes, sir!" she immediately and enthusiastically responded. She was certainly in favour of this – her definition of 'reasonable' might not exactly match his, but that was a minor matter that would sort itself out, in time.

"Are you going to go to your classes and pay attention?"

"Ow! Yes, sir!" Unless there was something important going on, of course – like Halloween, or a really cool concert, or a sunny day, or something like that.

"Are you going to call me a bastard again?"

"Ye- I mean, No, sir!" He couldn't do that, could he? Switch from obvious 'Yes' questions to 'No' questions? She'd almost messed it up! That little slip of the tongue would have been rather poorly received, she expected.

"Good." With a final extra-hard volley to drive the point home, Thomas ended the spanking. He helped her to her feet, pulled her panties back up, and gave her a kiss to let her know that her punishment was over and she was forgiven.
With one hand drying her tears and the other soothing her rear, she leaned against him. He placed his hand over her shoulder to lead her home to the soft, warm bed.

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Halloween in the cemetery (M/F story)

It was Halloween, midnight was only half an hour away, and Zoe was wandering around in the town's old graveyard. Goosebumps rose on her ...