Sunday 13 October 2024

The haunted graveyard (M/F story)

Nicki did her best to hide her trembling as she entered the old, overgrown graveyard. She did not think anyone was watching her, but if any of her classmates were hiding in the bushes, they'd see a brave woman going off to laugh in the face of fear.

The cemetery in the woods near the college had a lot of stories attached to it. Some of the students liked to hang out there for short, private make-out sessions between classes, or heavier activities after the end of the school day. But even the darkest of the goths cleared out before midnight – there were rumours that the place was haunted.

Well, Nicki did not believe those rumours, and she'd done little to hide her disdain for the people who spread them. Finally, some of her classmates had challenged her: if she could spend the night in the graveyard, she would not have to buy another drink for the rest of the semester. If she got scared and ran away, she would have to pay for the girls' rounds for the next month. Nicki had accepted the offer without hesitation.

Of course, it's easy to scoff at ghost stories when you're standing in a bright college hallway in the middle of the day. When you're wandering around an ancient, isolated graveyard shortly before midnight, it's a lot harder. And even if there weren't any ghosts, there could be wild animals in places like these – or maybe even more human dangers. A college girl alone at night could be viewed as easy prey, and she began to wonder if she'd rather encounter a bear…

She started at something that might have been the sound of a twig snapping. Was there something out there?

She shook her head, doing her best to dislodge those thoughts. That kind of speculation would only worry her unnecessarily, and she would prefer to focus on all those beers the other girls would be buying for her.

She sat down on the ground, resting her back against a tombstone that was too old and worn to read, and took the book out of the pocket. It was a collection of Poe stories, which she'd decided seemed appropriate in the circumstances. If she was going to spend the night here, she didn't want to be bored. She'd brought a lantern to read by – it was easier than holding a flashlight, and also more fitting.

As she started to read, she glanced at her watch, noticing that midnight had arrived. "Well, then, ghosts. Do your worst!" she declared boldly into the night.

"As you wish," a chilling voice whispered in her ear.
With a squeal, she shot up to her feet, spinning around to see what was there. In the darkness, she could see a young man grinning at her. At first, she wondered if it was one of the boys from the college who had come to make fun of her, but then she realized that he was slightly transparent – she could see the trees behind him through his body.

The man looked to be in his mid-twenties. He was well-dressed in what she believed was the style of a rich nineteenth-century man, though that was a wild stab in the dark – fashion trends among old aristocracy were not among the subjects taught at the college, as far as she knew. He was a clean-shaven, attractive man with dark hair and penetrating eyes, and there was something about his roguish smirk that she found appealing. For the second time that night, she had to shake her head to derail her current train of thought – she was face to face with the undead! This was definitely not the time to make bedroom eyes!

"It's been a long time since someone came here at night," the ghost said, grinning at her like a cat studying a mouse. "A VERY long time, in fact." He walked towards her, his feet not quite touching the ground. She backed away, desperately trying to maintain her distance. "Why are you here?" he asked.

"A bet," Nicki admitted. Her throat was dry, and she swallowed. "I made a bet with some of the girls in my class. They didn't think I was brave enough to spend the night here."

He kept walking in her direction, slowly, but inevitably. She continued to move backwards, but she slipped on some leaves. By the time she'd managed to scramble to her feet, with her heart trying to beat its way out of her chest, he was inches from her face. "You did not believe in ghosts, then?" he asked, still in that same mocking tone. "How about now? Do you believe?"

A small, desperate squeak escaped her lips – the only sound she managed to produce. He was close enough that she could have felt his breath, if he had possessed any.

He tutted, sneering at her. "Young ladies like yourself should not be wandering around in graveyards at night, disturbing the rest of the dead. It is not a wise thing to do, nor is it kind, and now, it's earned you a spanking."

She stared wide-eyed at him. Had he just said what she thought he'd said? "A what?"

"A spanking," he repeated. "Long and hard, over my knee, on your bare bottom," he declared. "You still have those, yes?"

She wondered if she was dreaming. When she first realized that she was looking at a real ghost, she'd been prepared for a lot of things, but being spanked was not one of them.

He grinned maliciously, eyeing her like a tasty morsel. "Do you think you can outrun my punishment, little girl?"

Nicki raised her head, defiantly meeting his gaze. "Who says I'll try? Who says I want to?"

The ghost stared at her, clearly not prepared for her response, and despite the frightening circumstances, Nicki found herself giggling at the sight. She'd managed to stun a ghost.

It took a few seconds for the ghost to regain his composure. "Well, well. I must admit, that was unexpected. Young ladies have changed since I was alive – for the better, it seems." His smirk returned. "This WILL be an entertaining night, will it not?" He sat down on a nearby tombstone, crooking his finger at her. "Come here, young lady."

Nicki obeyed, inching closer to the grinning ghost. She'd found herself over a few boys' laps before, but this would be the first time she was spanked by a ghost. She had known college would bring some changes, but she hadn't expected this to be one of them.

Insubstantial fingers reached forward to unbutton her jeans, and his touch felt like a cold wind against her skin. He tutted disapprovingly as he began to lower her trousers. " Back in my day, any girl caught wearing breeches would be beaten."

"You ARE going to beat me," she pointed out.

The ghost raised an eyebrow. "Good point, girl." He guided her over his knee, which was a strange experience – it was like floating on a cold cloud. His chilly fingers lowered her panties to join her jeans around her knees, leaving her bottom bare. He caressed her cheeks, his hand feeling like a frigid wind blowing across her soft skin. She shuddered.

"Cold?" he asked gently. "Not to worry – you'll soon be warmed up." And he began to spank her.

She had wondered if his wispy form could actually have an impact, and quickly found out it could – the stinging smacks landing on her unprotected rear end felt much like any other man's. His hand was much colder than any she'd felt, but that was the only real noticeable difference.

The ghost spanked hard, but unhurriedly. He would deliver a set of firm slaps to her cheeks that had her squirming, before pausing for a session of soothing rubbing. He'd then focus on her sit spots, causing her to kick her legs and whimper, before switching to some light taps at the centre of her cheeks.

As the spanking went on, his cold hand lit a fire in her bottom, the heat rising with the pain, which made his cool caresses feel extra gentle. She gasped, whimpered, and moaned, but not only from the pain – the throbbing heat in her rear was matched by the one between her legs. This was the strangest and most wonderful thing that had ever happened to her.

Her bottom was bright red by the time he helped her to her feet. Tears were rolling down her face, but he kissed them away, one by one, before his lips met hers. His kisses felt like the soft caress of the night breeze, and she kissed him back.

In the morning, the other girls found her sleeping beneath a willow tree in the graveyard – fortunately, by that time, she was fully dressed. She was thankful to the ghost for that little mercy. She could only imagine the stories that would have been told if she'd been found undressed, with a red, swollen backside.

"How did it go?" Sasha asked. Nicki just shrugged. "Did you see anything?"

"Nothing worth reporting," Nicki replied. She managed to resist the urge to rub her aching bottom. That might raise some questions that she did not want to answer.

"Well. You stayed here all night, so you won the bet," Rose said, clearly impressed. "I didn't think you could do it." She glanced at her watch. "Maybe we should head out and buy breakfast now. Freddy's is open, I think. We'll treat you – think of it as the first part of your reward."

Nicki smiled. "Thanks, that sounds great, but I need to stop by my apartment first. I feel like wearing a skirt today." The other girls raised an eyebrow at that, as it was a chilly day, but they made no comment. The tight jeans hugged her backside a little too firmly, and she would appreciate less pressure against her sore cheeks.

As they wandered away from the graveyard, Nicki glanced back, knowing that this would be far from the last night she spent here.

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The haunted graveyard (M/F story)

Nicki did her best to hide her trembling as she entered the old, overgrown graveyard. She did not think anyone was watching her, but if any ...