Sunday, 12 January 2025

Prefects (M/F story)

Between classes, I was patrolling the school's more secluded areas, checking to see whether there were pupils smoking, drinking, or committing other mischief. Behind the bike shed, I was surprised to see my classmate Kimberly leaning against the wall, a book in her hands. Like me, Kimberly was a prefect; she was a lanky girl with deep, dark eyes, and long, dark hair that she often kept in pigtails. Some of the teachers said she looked like an angel, and she usually had the behaviour to match.

She seemed lost to the world, and there was a slight tinge to her cheeks as she stared wide-eyed at the in the old book she was reading. I wondered what it was that could absorb her like that. She was so engrossed, she didn't notice me approaching until I was right next to her. Her head shot up, and a squeal escaped her lips. "Oh! William! H-how nice to see you," she said, trying in vain to seem calm as she hid the book behind her back.

I wondered what on Earth Little Miss Manners could be reading that would embarrass her so much, and whether it was something that was not permitted on school grounds – which would surprise me from someone like her. Curiosity overcame me, so I reached around her and grabbed the book from her hand. She made no attempt to stop me, but she seemed deeply uncomfortable.

When I looked at it, it turned out to be nothing that was against school regulations; in fact, it WAS the school regulations. One of the prefects was hiding behind the bike shed, secretly reading the rules. What was going on?

Absently, I noted that there was a bookmark in the section about corporal punishment. I raised an eyebrow as I handed it back to her. "Brushing up on the school rules? Don't worry, I can't imagine you've broken any," I said, smiling.

She grabbed the book, clutching it as if afraid I'd snatch it away from her again. Tucking it away in her bag, she turned as if she wanted to leave, but she suddenly changed her mind. "Did you know prefects at this school are authorized to sp – " She paused, blushing. "To sp – To employ corporal punishment?"

"To spank?" I said, guessing the word that had she seemed to have some trouble speaking out loud, for some reason. "Yes, that was on the rulebooks in the seventies and eighties, wasn't it? The rules were changed in the nineties, I think."

She shook her head. "No. It fell out of favour, but it's still on the books. The rules never changed."

"Huh. That's an interesting piece of trivia. Might be good for a quiz or something, that," I said, smiling gently.

She bit her lip, somewhat annoyed with how lightly I took this revelation. "But you could sp… spank people if they misbehave!" she announced, finally overcoming her difficulties with the scary word.

I shrugged. "Maybe that was acceptable in the seventies, but I cannot imagine it would fly today. Do you?"

She stared at the ground, seeming lost in thought, before suddenly meeting my gaze. "Have you ever been spanked?" she asked, once again taking me by surprise. When I shook my head, she continued, "Me neither. But have you never been curious? Or have you ever wanted to spank someone else?"

"… I can't say I've thought much about the subject," I said, wondering why in the world we were discussing this.

She regarded me thoughtfully, seeming to size me up. Finally, she came to a decision. Taking a deep breath, she said in a quiet, slightly trembling voice: "Would you spank me if I deserved it?"
My classmate and fellow prefect had just asked me if I would spank her. I tried to process this. "You're far too well-behaved for that. I just can't imagine you breaking the rules," I said, smiling as I tried to treat it like a joke.

She blushed. "Oh? I've done many bad things, you know. TONS of things! I-I've just not been caught," she said.

"Oh?" I said, sceptically. "Like what?"

"I-I've smuggled beer into the school! I was smoking behind the bike shed yesterday! I was late to class ten times!"

I raised an eyebrow as she listed her dastardly crimes. "Well, then," I said. "That certainly sounds like it requires disciplinary action." Obviously, it was all nonsense, but I was willing to play along for her sake. For some reason, Kimberly really wanted a spanking, and she wanted me to give it to her. I'm sure it had taken a lot of courage for her to make the request, and if she wanted me to help her, I was willing to play my part.

Glancing around to check that we were still alone, I folded my arms in front of my chest, gazing at her sternly. "You've broken the school rules, Kimberly, and I see no alternative to sentencing you to a good, hard spanking – which will be delivered in your room at six PM this afternoon. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir," she said quietly, regarding me with a mixture of grateful relief and nervous trepidation.

She turned to leave, but I stopped her. "Hand me that book," I told her.

She quickly put the tome behind her again, clutching it like if it was her most prized possession as she backed against the wall. "I'll bite you," she warned sullenly.

"I'll give it back to you tonight, I promise. I just need to refresh my knowledge of the school's disciplinary procedures," I explained.

Her eyes widened, and she quickly handed me the book. She shyly smiled at me and tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ear as she walked off, deep in thought about what was going to happen to her that evening.

I watched the seat of her skirt sway as she left. Kimberly had always had an attractive rear end, and while it was for her sake I'd agreed to go through with this, I wondered if I might not enjoy this more than I had supposed.

It was six o' clock exactly when I knocked on Kimberly's door. She opened it immediately, as if she'd been standing by the door waiting for my arrival. She was still dressed in her prefect's uniform, with the red blouse and skirt and dark grey socks.  She offered me a cup of coffee or can of soda, but I declined. I handed her back the rules book, and I smiled as her eyes lit up. I wasn't sure why the regulations delighted her so, but it was glad I could please her so easily.

A few minutes later, I was sitting on her bed, and she stood before me nervously biting her finger. It was clear that even though she wanted what was about to happen, it also scared her.

I looked sternly at her. "Kimberly, you've been a very naughty girl. Drinking? Smoking? Threatening to bite me?" That last offence caught her by surprise, and she had to stifle a giggle. "Do you have anything to say for yourself before I take you over my knee and spank your bottom?"

"I'm sorry," she whispered meekly, and she almost managed to look it.

"Not as sorry as you're going to be," I promised her. "Now, bend over my knee!" I said, patting my lap.

Kimberly walked to my right side and leaned forward, laying down on the bed with her bottom resting on my lap. I grabbed the hem of her skirt, and I heard her sharp intake of breath as I raised it, revealing a pair of pink Hello Kitty knickers. "Cute panties," I murmured.

"Thanks," she said, wriggling her bottom adorably.

I rested my hand on the target, gently rubbing her bottom. She gasped, a low moan escaping her lips as she pushed her posterior up to meet my hand. Her soft cheeks felt wonderful under my palm, and I wanted to keep stroking her forever.

However, that wasn't what I was here for. Not ONLY for that, at least.

I lifted my hand and delivered the first spank. I'd never been spanked or seen anyone get it, but I knew enough from books and movies to get the general gist – slap their cheeks with your hand until they're sorry for whatever it is they're done. From the pink handprint that quickly faded, and the way Kimberly gasped, I had a feeling I was on the right track.

I gave her a few more smacks, enjoying the way her backside jiggled when my palm struck it. "How does that feel?" I asked her.

She sighed blissfully. "I love it. More, please."

I smiled. "OK, but only because you said 'please'."

I continued to smack her bottom. Sometimes I would move from cheek to cheek, sometimes I would spank the same spot several times in a row – this always caused the cutest indignant squeals of protest from the naughty angel.

Her cheeks slowly turned as pink as her underwear, and I think I had been spanking her for about ten minutes when I paused to rub her bottom. She murmured contentedly at my touch. I grinned. "You know, the rules state that if the miscreant's behaviour warrants it, I am authorized to take her panties down and spank her bare bottom," I told her as I continued to stroke her gently. "What do you think about that?"

Kimberly whimpered softly. During the spanking, she'd picked up a teddy bear to clutch for comfort, and now, she buried her face in it as she processed my words. After a few seconds, she nodded, mumbling something.

"What was that?" I prodded, still rubbing her rear.

"I think that would be appropriate, sir," she said softly. It was still barely audible, but good enough for me.

Slowly, I peeled her panties down, revealing the most delicious, delicate derriere I'd ever seen. The two perfect little orbs that peeked up at me had turned pink from my hand. I began to rub her bare bottom, and it felt just as heavenly as it looked.

I knew I had to stop rubbing and give her the rest of the spanking she wanted so desperately, so eventually I did. I lifted my hand and began to slap her upturned buttocks, the sound of the smacks ringing out in the quiet room.

From the way she squealed, I guessed it hurt quite a bit more on a bare bottom. Her panties hadn't been particularly thick, but somehow, they must have been more protection than I had expected.

Soon, Kimberly was squirming over my lap, her cute cheeks covered in red handprints, but no matter how much she yelped or cried out, she never suggested that I should stop. She moaned in a mixture of pleasure and pain, and when she kicked her legs, I could see just how much she was enjoying it.

Finally, when the tears began to stream down her cheeks, I decided it was enough. I picked her up and held her comfortingly in my arms, sitting her down on my lap.

She leaned her head against my chest, smiling blissfully as I gently stroked her bottom. "Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you SO much! You have no idea what this meant to me."

"I'm glad I could help," I said quietly.

"I'm so glad it was you who found me," she said. "Being caught and spanked by the cutest guy in the school? I'm the luckiest girl in the whole world."

"Me? Cute?" I said doubtfully, and she nodded. She mumbled something else which I didn't catch, and when I leaned my head down to listen better, her lips met mine.

I kissed her back, her lips tasting just as heavenly as her bottom had felt. Soon, we were making out on her bed, on the first day a relationship with lots of kisses and spankings.


  1. Quite a fun story. You're so creative to think up all these different scenarios.



I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...