Sunday, 19 January 2025

Jane's demonstration (M/FF story)

Jane gave an annoyed sigh when she opened the refrigerator door and discovered that she was out of milk. Since she'd receive visitors in the morning and the shops were closed for the holiday, she decided she would need to borrow some from her neighbours – and that it was better to head over and ask them now than risk waking them up early if she went in the morning. She'd lived next door to Mike and Annie for almost a year, and got along very well with them. The couple were always willing to stop for a chat if they saw her while out walking.

She decided to take the shortcut through the gardens, to save herself the trouble of walking out onto the street. As she passed their living room window, Jane cast a glance inside to see whether the couple were home. What she saw stopped her dead in her tracks, and her jaw dropped as she stared with a horrified expression on her face. Annie was lying across Mike's lap, with her skirt raised and her panties around her knees, and he was spanking her bottom.

Jane could not believe her eyes. Mike was beating his wife! And they'd seemed like such a nice couple – Annie had never seemed particularly timid around her husband, or fearful of his temper…

She hurried over to the wall of the house, peeking through the window. A closer look confirmed that she really was seeing what she'd thought she saw. Annie was squirming over his lap, and her bottom was getting redder with every firm smack he delivered. He chuckled, saying something to his wife, though Jane couldn't hear what through the thick pane of glass. She slipped her phone out of her pocket and took a few pictures, in case Annie wanted to go to the police. Jane would talk to her later, let her know that her door was always open for her, and offer to give her whatever support she needed. She considered barging through the door and putting a stop to this at once, but she feared that it would only make the situation worse. Better to wait for it to end, and then have a chat with Annie later – if the vicious brute would consent to let them talk privately.

She continued to stare at the shameful scene, but when Annie turned her head and Jane could see her face, the peeper experienced her second shock of the evening. Annie did not look pained or resigned to her fate or anything of the sort – in fact, the grin on her face was wider than Mike's. Jane believed she had never seen a woman look so happy. What was going on?

Annie had started to kick her legs, and even at this distance, Jane could tell how wet the woman's crotch was. She began to suspect that she had misinterpreted the scene somewhat, and she had to examine the assumptions she'd made.

Jane had no idea how long she sat there in the bushes, watching through the window, but finally, the spanking ended. Mike helped his wife stand up, and though her bottom was scarlet and tears were pouring down her face, there was an expression of absolute bliss upon her face. She kissed her husband passionately, and when their lips finally parted, he whispered something into her ear. She grinned, turning to face the window. Standing there with her panties around her knees, one hand rubbing her burning bottom, she waved cheerfully to Jane.

Realizing that she'd been caught spying through the window when her neighbours were having an intimate moment, Jane blushed until her cheeks were redder than Annie's. She eventually realized that the best thing to do would be to head inside, apologize, and ask if they wanted to talk about what she'd seen. Of course, by the time she made the realization, she'd already run home and locked the door behind her, so it was really no longer an option; it would be far too embarrassing to go back. She'd just have to put it out of her mind for now, and deal with it some other time, when she'd calmed down.

She'd entirely forgotten about the milk, of course, but that was unsurprising.
Jane spent the next few days waiting for one of her neighbours to say something, but neither of them did. Mike smiled and greeted her as normal whenever they passed, as if absolutely nothing had occurred. Annie had a mischievous grin on her face, but she said nothing. She seemed to take great delight in the blush that appeared on Jane's face whenever their eyes met, as if it had been Jane that had been caught naked instead of her. They seemed entirely willing to ignore the subject and pretend nothing had happened. Jane wished she felt the same way. The event kept replaying in her mind, and now that she suspected it was consensual, there was something strangely exciting about what she'd seen.

It took a week before Jane summoned up the courage to ring their doorbell. It was Mike that answered the door. "Jane! What can I do for you?" he said cheerfully.

She took a deep breath, trying in vain to steady her nerves. "Can we talk?"

"Of course! What about?"

"About… about what I saw last week," she said, her voice trembling.

"I see," he said calmly.

He invited her inside, and soon, she was sitting at their kitchen table with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Where's Annie?" she asked.

"She headed into the office to pick up some papers," he said. "She'll be back soon. Would you like to wait until she's here?"

Jane considered this, but she eventually shook her head. She opened her mouth to ask a question, but she couldn't think of what to say. After a few seconds, she tried again, with the same result. Finally, she managed to croak, "What did I see last week?"

Mike frowned. "I'd have thought that was fairly obvious. What do you THINK you saw?" Seeing how much she was struggling, he decided to help her out. "I took Annie over my knee and gave her a good, hard spanking. One that we both enjoyed very much."

There. He'd said it. She hadn't imagined it, and she hadn't misinterpreted anything. She'd seen her neighbour spank his wife, and his wife had liked it. "But why? What had she done wrong?"

He seemed confused. "She doesn't get rewards for misbehaviour. That would be counterproductive. I did it because we both wanted it."

She sighed. "It just seems so … odd."

He nodded. "Oh, it definitely is. But we've never cared about being odd. I'd rather be happy than normal, and she feels the same way."

They spent some time talking about spanking, and Jane gradually grew less nervous and more comfortable about what she'd seen. Suddenly, they heard the front door open, and the sound of Annie entering and taking off her shoes.

Jane could tell from Mike's sudden grin that an idea had struck him. "Would you like to see it again?"

"What!?" Jane said, taken aback.

"Would you like to see Annie receive another spanking?"

If she'd been given time to think about it, it's possible that Jane would have refused. This seemed intimate, and she wasn't sure this was something she should be observing. Fortunately, she wasn't given any time, so she nodded.

"Hi, Jane. Hi, honey," Annie said, heading over to give her husband a kiss.

He grinned, then patted his lap. "Young lady, take down those jeans and bend over my lap. You're getting a spanking."

Raising an eyebrow at her husband's audacity, Annie cast a glance at Jane, as if to check that she was not offended by this. She then started to unbutton her trousers. After pulling the zip down, she shimmied out of her skin-tight jeans. Annie was wearing a pair of cute pink panties with "Naughty girl" written on the seat. Moving with an ease as if she'd done this hundreds of times before, she leaned over her husband's lap, scooting forward so that her bottom was raised over his lap and her face was down toward the carpet.

Mike stroked her bottom gently, smiling as she wriggled it alluringly. He glanced over at Jane, who was staring with fascination in her eyes, before he lifted his hand and started to spank.

The loud smacks rang out in the quiet room. He spanked hard and fast, his palm moving from cheek to cheek. Despite the firmness of the spanks, there was no moaning or squirming from Annie – she seemed quite used to it.

The minutes went by, and Mike's hand continued to smack down on Annie's adorable posterior. His hand roved over her backside, painting every square inch a delightful pink. Slowly, Annie began to grunt, then wriggle, as the sting grew.

Then, he grabbed the waistband of her panties.

Jane held her breath. She couldn't believe it – Mike was about to pull down his wife's panties, while their neighbour was sitting only a few feet away. She expected Annie to protest, to try to defend the vestiges of her modesty, but the woman just grinned. Slowly, as if unveiling some great treasure, Mike peeled her panties down. He began to rub her pink cheeks, before continuing the spanking.

Gradually, Annie's cheeks went from pink to red. Jane that thought that Mike had been spanking firmly from the start, but as the spanking continued, the slaps somehow came harder and faster. His hand was a blur as it crashed down on her squirming cheeks, and she had begun to moan. But no matter how red her bottom grew, the grin never left her face.

Jane stared wide-eyed. When Annie began to kick, Jane saw the wetness between her legs, confirming just how much the woman was enjoying it. Jane squirmed in her seat, suddenly realizing how moist her own panties were getting. She blushed, realizing that had been some time since she'd seen a more enjoyable sight.

By the time Mike ended the spanking, Annie's bottom was bright red and throbbing, and the tears were pouring down her face. Mike kissed them away, one by one, while rubbing the sting from her rear. Eventually, he turned to Jane. "Are you OK?"

She flinched. "Me? Why? I'm not the one who's had my bottom smacked!"

"This was the first time you watched someone get spanked, isn't it? Not counting the time you were spying outside our window, of course," he said, grinning at the memory. She blushed, but nodded, and he continued, "Well, it can be quite intimidating the first time you see one up close. I wanted to make sure you were not traumatized."

"I'm alright," she told him, but her voice was trembling slightly.

"Well, then, did you have any other questions?"

Jane was about to shake her head, but stopped. There was one question that was fighting its way to her lips. She tried to hold it back, but somehow, it managed to slip through the cracks. She glanced up at Mike, and with a quiet, meek voice, she said, "Can I have one?"

Mike seemed a bit surprised, while Annie was grinning. "Are you asking for a spanking?" Mike said. Jane blushed and stared at the floor, but nodded.

He glanced over at his wife, who stood bared from the waist down and rubbing her sore rear, and she nodded early. "Sounds fun! Go ahead," she told him.

Mike stepped over to his neighbour, who was still staring at the floor. He took her hand in his and gently pulled her to her feet. "I think we should go over to the sofa, young lady," he said quietly, but firmly. She did not resist as he led her over.

He sat down on the sofa, positioning her in front of him. "You're going to have to take your trousers down," he told her gently. "I need to see what I'm doing, or you could get hurt."

She nodded. She tried to unbutton her trousers, but her fingers refused to work.

"Would you like some help?" he asked. Blushing, she nodded. He pulled her closer to him by the belt loops and undid the button, then slowly pulled the zipper down. As he started to pull her jeans down, she fidgeted – it had been some time since a man had undressed her. She was also slightly embarrassed at her granny-style white knickers, which were far less attractive than Annie's underwear. When she put them on, she hadn't expected anyone else to see them.

With her trousers around her knees, she was guided over his lap, resting her head on one of the throw pillows as her bottom was raised over his lap. He pulled her panties up into a wedgie to reveal most of her soft, pale cheeks, and rubbed her bottom gently. She glanced over at Annie, making sure she was OK with what was happening. The woman stared at them with shining eyes and a wide grin on her face.

As the first smacks landed, Jane gasped, but she had to admit that they were far gentler than she had expected. "How does that feel?" he asked after a few seconds.

"Stingy, but nice," she admitted. "I was a little scared you'd smack me as hard as you spanked Annie."

"Have you ever been spanked before?" he asked. She shook her head. "Well, then. It's important to be gentle at first – Annie's used to being spanked, so I need to use more force."

Jane winced a little as his hand struck her sensitive bottom. "Yes, it's only been a week since her last spanking, after all."

He raised an eyebrow. "You honestly think she hasn't been spanked during the week since you spied on us?" He chuckled. "You ARE innocent, aren't you?" She blushed from his gentle teasing – she hadn't considered herself particularly inexperienced in the bedroom.

He continued to spank her rear. The slow, gentle pats gradually grew harder and faster, and Jane was eventually squirming around on his lap. He kept asking if she was OK, making sure he didn't spank her harder than she was prepared for, and she kept assuring him that he should continue.

"I think that's enough warm-up," Annie suddenly declared. "Take her panties down!"

Jane spun her head around, staring wide-eyed at her. When she'd asked for a spanking, she was afraid that Annie would be offended, unwilling to let Jane go over her husband's lap. She hadn't expected the enthusiasm that the woman was showing.

Mike looked down at Jane, wondering if she willing to let him bare her bottom. Jane blushed, but she nodded. A thrill went through her as she felt Mike's fingers in the waistband of her panties. Slowly, he peeled them down.

"Oh! Look how wet she is," Annie laughed. "She really is enjoying this, isn't it?" Jane blushed even more, burying her face in her hands.

"Now, now, don't tease her," Mike admonished her gently. "It's her first time, and she's nervous. We must be kind to her. If you don't stop, I'll put you in the corner so you won't get to see the rest."

Annie pouted. "You'd do it, too, wouldn't you? You bully. That would just be TOO cruel. I'm sorry, Jane."

"It's alright," Jane said quietly, then moaned as Mike stroked her bottom. God, his hand felt so nice on her stinging flesh!

He continued to spank her. Jane was squirming over his lap, and she could feel tears at the edges of her eyes, but she didn't want it to stop. She wanted Mike to keep spanking her forever.

Jane lost herself in the moment, squirming and yelping as his hard hand struck her soft seat. She forgot where she was, forgot about Annie watching them – she could only focus on his hard hand and her burning bottom.

Her mind was filled with fog as Mike helped her to her feet. Both Mike and Annie gathered her in an embrace, comforting her while each placed a hand on her bottom to rub the sting away.

She soon dressed and hurried back home, where she would spend the rest of the day walking around naked from the waist down, letting the cool air caress her rear. She would also find
some soothing lotion for the heat in her seat, and a toy from the box under her bed for the heat between her legs. She had a feeling that this event would feature prominently in many late-night self-stimulation sessions.

Mike and Annie waved after her as she left, telling her to come back anytime.



I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...