Ashley was heading to the classroom for the final lesson of the day, when her classmate Tricia suddenly placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, nerd. I need to talk to you."
Tricia was one of the high school's mean girls. Tall, blonde, curvy, and gorgeous, always in full make-up and expensively attired and manicured. Next to her, Ashley always felt flat, drab, poor, and boring. Tricia rarely spoke to her, and from the tone of her voice, Ashley suspected she wouldn't enjoy this conversation either.
"What about, Tricia?" Ashley asked, trying to keep a calm smile on her face as her heart was beating rapidly in her chest.
"You've been getting quite friendly with Lucas lately," Tricia said. Their classmate Lucas was considered one of the best-looking guys in school – tall and athletic, with long, sandy hair, deep blue eyes, and a smile you could lose yourself in. "That's going to stop."
Ashley raised an eyebrow. "Why do you care who he's friends with? As far as I know, you two are not dating."
"Not yet, but I'm working on it," Tricia told her. "And I don't like competition, even from someone as insignificant as you."
"We're just friends!" Ashley told her, though that wasn't entirely true, at least from her side. She'd developed some feelings for the boy – most of the girls in class had – but so far, he hadn't picked up any of the hints she'd dropped. Maybe she was being too subtle, or he just wasn't interested. It was hard to tell with Lucas.
"You WERE friends," Tricia corrected her snidely.
Ashley sighed. "Come on, Tricia, aren't you being a bit silly? Trying to decide who's friends with who? We're eighteen, not eight." She wasn't entirely sure why she dared to speak up against Tricia. Maybe she'd just had enough, or Tricia had finally found something she wouldn't give up without a struggle.
"So you refuse my simple request?" Tricia shook her head. "Fine." The smile she sent Ashley as she walked away made a shiver run down the smaller girl's back. Though she didn't show it, Ashley could feel her insides twisting. Speaking up against Tricia always had a price.
She went inside the classroom. The teacher hadn't arrived yet, which was not surprising. It was still a few minutes left before class was supposed to start, and besides, Mr Matthews was often a bit late.
Lucas smiled at Ashley as she entered, and she blushed and smiled back. Briefly, she considered heeding Tricia's warning and taking her seat like a good little girl, but then she discarded the thought. For once, she wasn't going to be bullied.
She walked over to Lucas, and they were soon engaged in a pleasant conversation. Admittedly, he did most of the talking, but that was OK – she quite liked listening to his voice. Lost in his eyes, she didn't notice Tricia approaching. Nor it is likely she would have sensed danger even if she had. She expected Tricia to do something, of course, but later; on the way home from school, or on the way to school tomorrow, or at a party, or something like that. She wouldn't try something in the middle of the classroom, would she?
Unlike most of the girls in class, Ashley never wore tight jeans – she blushed at the thought of the way they'd show off her rear end. She tended to wear baggy trousers, which were a lot easier to put on. And now, when Tricia suddenly grabbed the waistband and pulled, she realized they were also a lot easier to remove.
Ashley squealed in humiliation when she realized that Tricia had not only pulled her trousers down, but her panties as well. She was nude from the waist down in the middle of the classroom. She could feel the eyes of her classmates on her naked form, and blushed so much she almost passed out. Frozen in fear at first, she eventually tried to reach down to put her clothes back on, but Tricia grabbed her hands, holding her in place. The tall blonde smiled cruelly at her victim, clearly enjoying her torment.
Ashley turned to Lucas, her eyes pleading him to help. The boy was staring in shock, just like everyone else, but in time, he regained his composure. He stepped forward, but before he could act, they heard a stern voice ring out in the classroom. "Patricia. What on Earth do you think you're doing?" They glanced at the door, where Mr Matthews had arrived.
Mr Matthews was a bespectacled man with tousled hair. He looked like he was thirty, dressed like was seventy, and acted like he was a visitor to this planet who was not entirely used to local customs yet. Most of the time, he was a whimsical oddball who would probably be much happier as a college professor than a high school teacher. Today, however, all traces of cheerfulness had disappeared. "Let go of Ashley's hands."
He removed his coat, holding it up in front of Ashley and looking away as the girl dressed, giving her at least a little bit of privacy, which she appreciated. Once she told him she was decent, he turned to Tricia. "Why did you do that?"
Tricia bit her lip, unsure of what to say. It was clear that she hadn't expected to be caught by the teacher – Mr Matthews had arrived earlier than he usually did. Maybe she had some plan for talking her way out of it if he should hear about it later, but she couldn't very well dismiss something he'd seen with his own eyes.
"Nothing to say?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "I was willing to give you a chance to explain yourself – maybe there was some mitigating circumstances for your horrid conduct. Can you give me any excuse for what you've done?"
When she remained silent, he folded his arms and looked sternly at her. "I don't know if you're aware, young lady, but corporal punishment is still on the books at this institution. I could send you to the principal for the paddle, but considering the nature of the crime, I think something more public, and more childish, would be appropriate."
The entire class watched in silence as he picked up his desk chair. He then placed it in front of his desk, giving everyone a good view of what was about to occur. As he sat down, he patted his lap and looked sternly at the misbehaving student. "Trousers down and over my knee, Patricia."
"W-what?" Tricia said, staring at him as both hands clasped her backside protectively. "You can't be serious!"
"I've never been more serious in my life," Mr Matthews said calmly.
"I-I can't take my jeans down in front of the class!" Tricia insisted.
"Why not? You seemed quite happy to take Ashley's trousers down in front of them." He sighed. "I'm not going to ask again, Tricia. Take them down, or I will take them down for you – and that will earn you extras."
Blushing, Tricia did as he commanded. With every eye in the classroom turned in her direction, she unzipped and unbuttoned her jeans, shimmying them down to rest at her knees. She placed herself over his lap, and he pushed her forward so that her head faced the floor and her bottom was raised over his knee.
Then, once he was satisfied with her position, he placed his fingers in the waistband of her panties.
"No! Not that! You can't!" Tricia squealed, trying to stand up. He easily held her down.
"After what you did, it's just deserts, don't you think? Well, you probably don't, but that doesn't matter, it's going to happen regardless…" And in front of the entire class, he pulled Tricia's panties down, baring her bottom.
The class stared. A few wolf whistles were heard from the back of the room, and Tricia buried her face in her hands, blushing furiously. Then, Mr Matthews lifted his hand and started to spank her.
The smacks rang out in the silent room. No one moved or made a sound as they watched the class queen being taken down a peg. Tricia bit her lip and lay still, determined to take her punishment stoically.
Mr Matthews, however, had other plans. His hand moved swiftly from cheek to cheek, each firm slap loud in the unnatural silence. Soon, Tricia was grimacing, and had begun to stir from the growing pain.
Ashley stared in wonder at the scene in front of her. Her bully was getting her comeuppance! She hoped that this would make the class forget about her own humiliation. She glanced at Lucas, who was grinning and clearly enjoying the view. Her stomach fluttered, and she wondered if he maybe enjoyed it a little TOO much…
Tricia was now squirming over the teacher's lap, though she still managed to keep her legs tightly clasped together, to avoid showing off more than was absolutely necessary. Multiple people giggled at the sight, and Mr Matthews let them laugh. He obviously intended for the whole experience to be humiliating.
By the time Tricia was allowed to rise, her bottom war bright red, as was her tear-streaked face. She longed to rub her burning buttocks, but kept her hands in front of her crotch instead, trying to defend the last vestiges of her modesty.
"Now, apologize to Ashley for your conduct," Mr Matthews told her. "If she's satisfied, you may get dressed."
Tricia almost glared at her, but managed to seem apologetic. "I am so sorry for what I did. I don't know what came over me! I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."
For a second, Ashley considered telling her that the apology was NOT accepted. Maybe Mr Matthews would force her to stay naked for the rest of the class – or maybe he'd pull her back over his knee and spank her again! But she knew she couldn't do it. After all, she knew how embarrassing it was to be naked in front of the class, and wouldn't wish it on her worst enemy.
And besides, Lucas still seemed to be enjoying the sight a little too much for her liking, and she didn't want to lead him into temptation.
She graciously accepted the apology, and Tricia was allowed to get dressed and take her seat. She did both very gingerly, barely managing to squeeze her sore rear into the tight jeans, and lowering herself onto the hard chair with a look of great discomfort that amused everyone around her.
Considering everything that had just happened, Ashley suspected she was far from the only one who barely paid attention to the lesson. There was just far too much to think about. She wondered idly whether Mr Matthews noticed.
At the end of the lesson, Lucas offered to walk her home. She quickly accepted, eager to keep him out of Tricia's claws.
As they walked, Lucas seemed thoughtful. "Let me know if Tricia gives you any more trouble. I'm hoping she's learned her lesson, but it's possible she might try to get back at you."
"Thank you," Ashley whispered, leaning against him. Was that a new cologne? He smelled good.
"Do you know why she did it? I can't believe she'd pull down your trousers and bare your cute, little butt to the entire class. It seems out of character for her."
Ashley blushed, both at being reminded of her own humiliation, and at having him describe her bottom as 'cute'. "I-I'm not sure," she said.
"Well, at least she received a suitable punishment for her misdeed," he said, grinning at the memory. Ashley wondered if it was just the sight of Tricia naked that pleased him so, or if he'd enjoyed watching the spanking. If she had to be completely honest, for quite some time, Ashley had found the subject of spankings interesting herself…
She'd almost reached home, when an impish idea struck her. "You know, I've been quite naughty lately myself," she told, trying to seem remorseful.
"Oh?" he said, clearly interested.
"Yes, I'm afraid I probably deserve to be punished. And that spanking we just watched just reminded me…" she shook her head sadly.
"Well, if you tell Mr Matthews, I'm sure he'll give you a spanking – a more private one than Tricia received." The smile on his face suggested that he found the subject almost as interesting as she did.
"Oh, no, I couldn't do that," she insisted. "Not from dear old Mr Matthews. I just have to hope that some big, strong man will see what I need and take me over his knee." She rested her hand on his arm, gently squeezing the muscles.
She could practically hear the gears turning in Lucas' head. His train of thought would never set any speed records, but with a bit of guidance, it could eventually reach the right station. "Oh!" he said, before grinning. "Well, young lady, I'm sure I can think of a suitable punishment for your misbehaviour."
She almost squealed with glee when he slapped her backside firmly. "Oh no! I'm in trouble now," she said, rubbing her bottom to savour the sting.
Knowing that her parents were gone until the weekend, she invited him inside. She showed him her bedroom, and he was soon sitting on her bed, trying to look stern. "You've been a very naughty young lady, and it's time you faced your punishment," he scolded, with all the intimidation of a growling puppy.
"Oh, please don't spank me," she pleaded – though not very emphatically, just in case he took her at her word.
"Come here," he said, crooking a finger at her. She stepped forward. Her stomach did flipflops when he slowly began unbuttoning and unzipping her baggy trousers. Inch by inch, he pulled them down, and she could feel herself growing wetter between her legs. She'd never been undressed by a cute boy before. She needed very little encouragement to bend over his lap, wriggling her cute pink panties in his face, and she grinned when she felt something grow harder beneath her stomach.
His hand rubbed her pantied bottom gently. She smiled at his touch, pushing her butt into his hand to egg him on. He chuckled and continued to stroke her. She almost let out a moan, when suddenly, he lifted his hand and gave her a sharp smack. A squeal escaped her lips, followed by another when he smacked her again.
He gave her a few more smacks, slowly and gently, but still leaving a bit of a sting. "How's that?"
"Oh God," she moaned. "More! Please, may I have some more?"
"As you wish," he said, continuing to spank her.
His hand roved across her bottom, spanking seemingly at random. Sometimes, he would give her a single smack; then, he'd give her a dozen slaps on the opposite cheek. She squirmed and squealed, the grin on her face somehow growing wider.
Suddenly, he placed his fingers in the waistband of her panties. Her eyes widened, and when he began to slowly peel them down, she gasped.
Immediately, he lifted his hands. "Oh. Did I go too far? I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that without asking."
Ashley buried her face in the pillow, blushing so much she'd probably glow in the dark. "It's OK! It's OK. I was just surprised, that's all. Go ahead."
"Are you sure?" he asked. "I can continue to spank you over your panties, if you prefer that. Or we could stop and I could cuddle you instead…"
Cuddling sounded very, very nice, but not just yet. She needed him to continue. With great effort, she lifted her head from the pillow, looked over her shoulder, and met his gaze. "Please pull down my panties and spank my bare bottom." Exhausted from the embarrassing effort, she dropped her face into the pillow again.
Needing no further encouragement, Lucas grinned and slowly peeled her panties down. He rubbed her bare bottom gently, causing her to moan. His hand slipped between her legs. "I think someone's getting wet," he commented. Which wasn't quite true – she'd been absolutely soaking wet for quite some time.
"I'm sorry, sir," she said insincerely. "I shouldn't be deriving pleasure from my punishment," she commented as she squirmed against the bulge in his trousers.
As the spanking continued, she yelped and kicked her legs. Soon, she was bucking and bouncing over his lap, his spanks almost as loud as her moans. Her bottom was bright red, and there were tears in her eyes, but she was more ecstatic than she'd ever been in her life.
After a particularly hard series of spanks, she pleaded for him to stop, which he immediately did. She would later admit to a tinge of disappointment at that, and would see if they could find a safe-word to employ, but right now, she didn't care. Instead, she turned her attention to the bulge that been poking her in the stomach for the last half-hour. "Please…" she said, gently stroking his erection through his trousers. She couldn't manage to say anything more, but she didn't have to. Lucas wanted her almost as much as she wanted him, and in a few seconds, he'd discarded his trousers.
That day, Ashley lost her virginity in her childhood bedroom, with a crimson, throbbing backside.
In the morning, as she woke up in Lucas' embrace, she grinned in absolute bliss. The boy she loved had proved he loved her back, and she'd also finally received the spanking she'd fantasized about for so long. Maybe she should thank Tricia for her help.
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