Sunday, 26 February 2023

An unexpected meeting (M/F story)

I recently noticed that I hadn't uploaded this story, which is a sequel to The Hiking Cabin. Both stories were written for a Norwegian spanking story group many years ago. I've now translated them.
This was about three weeks after the incident in the mountains, where a cute girl who called herself Sarah stole my wallet and tried to escape. I caught up with her and spanked her soundly to repay her. Afterward, she stole my watch and disappeared without a trace. Needless to say, I've kept better care of my valuables after this.

I feel it's necessary with some background information. I started working right after high school, and noticed that my IT knowledge wasn't as good as it could have been. The local college had some IT classes available, and I took a few to further my career. Eventually, I'd ended up as a teacher's assistant in some of the classes.

It was a Monday morning, and I went into the data lab to meet the new students. I gave a short explanation of what was expected of them, and how I could help. As I glanced over the room, I could see a red-haired girl that I recognized. This wasn't that unusual, as I'd seen Sarah everywhere the last few weeks – she'd made quite an impression. The unusual part of the situation was that it seemed she was actually here.

I looked again. There were probably a lot of cute red-headed girls in this town, and I didn't want to be wrong. I wasn't wrong, and from the look of panic on her face, she seemed to recognize me as well. She looked like a rabbit trying to assess how hungry the fox that had caught her in her den was.

Saturday, 18 February 2023

Big brother's privilege (m/f story)

 An old story I found in my archives. I wasn't sure whether to post it or delete it, but in the end, I decided on the latter.
Part 1: Big brother's privilege

Marcus didn't even attempt to hide his grin as he made his way to his sister's room. Lena had earned herself detention in school, and the rule was that a detention in school meant a spanking at home. The knowledge that his bratty, snotty, constantly-in-trouble younger sister was going to get her bottom burned, would be enough in itself to make this an excellent day, but there was more. A few months ago, their parents had decided that the usual punishments weren't enough to keep her in line anymore, as her behaviour only worsened. They decided that an extra humiliation was needed to really make her fear her punishment sessions.

That's why, after much discussion and deliberation, they had handed Marcus a knife and told him to cut a switch he would get to use on his younger sister. Needless to say, Marcus had loved this turn of events, and just as obviously, Lena had hated it. The moment he put the switch down, and Lena jumped to her feet, clutching her aching buns, promising to never misbehave again, it was decided that Marcus would handle all her punishments from now on.

Marcus knocked on the door, waiting for her reply before he entered. He'd told her time and time again to stay out of his room, and he didn't want to barge into hers. Sure, he was soon going to bend her over a chair and apply the switch to her butt until one of them broke, but that was no reason to be uncivil.

Sunday, 12 February 2023

Never too old (F/F, M/F)

At the age of 18, Annie was standing in the headmistress' office, fidgeting with the hem of her uniform skirt as Miss Holloway lectured her about her misbehaviour. She'd been caught in the girls' bathroom with a few cigarettes and a bottle of wine, and her teacher had sent her to see Miss Holloway. Absent-mindedly, the girl rubbed the seat of her skirt - she knew the usual punishment for such an infraction was the cane, but she had a small hope that she would be given detention instead.

Her hopes were dashed when Miss Holloway finished her lecture by glaring at her over the rim of her glasses. "I think the proper punishment for this infraction would be six of the best with the cane. Please raise your skirt, lower your panties, and bend over the desk."

Annie wanted to plead with her, to tell her that she would never do this again and that this was unnecessary, but experience had taught her that it would do no good. Obediently, she followed Miss Holloway's instructions while the headmistress went over to the cupboard to fetch the senior cane. As Annie placed her elbows on the table, assuming the position that was so familiar to her at this point, she reflected on her situation - here she was, practically an adult, only a month away from leaving school, and she was about to have her bare bottom caned. She didn't deserve to be treated like this.

Sunday, 5 February 2023

Mrs Anson (F/f story)

I had recently turned eighteen when Mrs Anson moved in next door to my parents' house. She befriended my mother, and I quickly got to know her fairly well. Mrs Anson was in her forties, a friendly woman with short, brown hair and an air of confidence, as if she always knew what to do.

She often hired me to do small tasks around the house - mow her lawn, help her with the laundry, that sort of thing. Afterward, we would chat over a cup of tea and some biscuits.  Both of her daughters were away at college, only occasionally visiting her, so I sometimes felt like she mostly wanted me there as a replacement daughter. I didn't mind this, and since my own mother was very busy at work, the feeling was somewhat mutual.

One day, we were in her kitchen. I was drying some plates after washing up, while she was sitting at the table and talking to one of her daughters on the phone. They had been chatting amicably, but the girl must have said something that offended her mother, because a scowl suddenly appeared on Mrs Anson's face. "None of that, or you'll find yourself over my knee the next time you're home."

The plate slipped from my suddenly useless fingers, smashing to pieces on the floor. I assumed it made an awful crash, but I couldn't hear it over my own heartbeat. I stared at Mrs Anson with wide eyes. She couldn't have said what I'd just heard, could she?


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...