Saturday, 29 April 2023

Month-long break

For a while, my routine has been "write one story per week, let it rest for at least a week, then edit it an upload it during the weekend." This is to give myself time to think about a story I've written, remove things that aren't necessary, add things that are missing, and rewrite those bits that don't quite work. There are some weeks where personal stuff means I haven't had time to write a story, so I've grabbed one from the buffer.
However, due to a busy spring, my backlog is now spent, which means that for the past few weeks, I haven't spent as much time editing as I would like, and I don't like to upload stories where I feel I could have done better.

I could change to a "upload when it's ready" policy, but having a once-a-week upload gives me an incentive to work on it.

I'm therefore taking a month's break from uploading, which I'll use to create a buffer. The next story will be uploaded the first weekend of June.

Sunday, 23 April 2023

Anna and Rosie 2: Found out (f/F story)

Three days had passed since I spied on the woman next door spanking her daughter, before being dragged inside and spanked by the angry mother who had mistaken me for a bratty teenager instead of the 30-year-old businesswoman I actually was. At the time, I was convinced that I wouldn't sit for a week, but when I woke up the next morning, my bottom felt fine, and there were only the slightest traces of my adventure.

It was now a lovely Friday afternoon, and had just come home from the office, still dressed in my pencil skirt and professional top. The doorbell rang, and I opened it to found eighteen-year-old Anna, the petite, blond-haired girl whose spanking I had witnessed - and who had laughed wickedly as she watched my own bottom being blistered. She was wearing jeans and a top, and a look of boredom, as if she had more interesting places to be right now.

"Hi there. Mum sent me over with some mail that was accidentally delivered in our mailbox." She handed me the letters, then smiled. "You know, I guess in some way, I should thank you for spying on me. If you hadn't been there, she would have given me a whole lot more – maybe she would even have used her hairbrush." She grinned wickedly. "Besides, it was really funny to watch you squirm over her lap. And those cute yelps you made!"

"I'm glad you found my pain amusing," I said sarcastically, glaring at her as a blush spread across my cheeks.

She looked at me, then suddenly furrowed her brow, staring at me as if seeing me for the first time. "Hey, why are you dressed like that? Are you going to a costume party or something?"
I froze, realizing what was about to happen.
"And that makeup - it makes you look like a much older…" Her eyes widened. "Holy hell. There's no mother and daughter here, is there? YOU'RE Rosie Adams, the woman who just bought this house."

Sunday, 16 April 2023

Anna and Rosie 1: Peeping at her spanking (F/f, F/F)

The first thing I did when I came home from the office was to change out of my pencil skirt and professional top, straight into sweatpants and an old, worn t-shirt. The business consultant gig had allowed me to buy a house in my thirties, but being forced to dress nicely all day was certainly one of the downsides. After wiping off the makeup, I headed for the living room to read for a while before I made dinner.

Shortly after I sat down, I heard a woman's voice in the distance. "That's it! You're getting a spanking!" The book flew from my hands as I jumped to my feet, and my heart pounded in my chest. I'd always had a deep interest in spanking, despite never encountering it in real life – no matter how much I wished it, I'd never been spanked, never seen anyone get spanked, and never spanked anyone. And now, someone was getting spanked nearby.

However, it was the next sentence that really took my breath away. "Mum, you can't! I'm eighteen, I'm far too old for –" The voice of a teenaged girl desperately trying to seem like an adult. I realized that the voices were coming from next door.

Sunday, 9 April 2023

The Magic Ring 3: In the café (M/F story)

It had been three weeks since I found the strange ring down by the lake next to my school, which meant it was also three weeks since my teacher Mr Page had spanked me in detention, and two weeks since my best friend Joanne had placed me over her knee. Despite my hopes, none of them had since expressed any intention to spank me – and neither had anyone else.

On a lovely Saturday morning, I was the only customer in a small, cozy café. There was one person working there at the moment: a tall, handsome man in his early twenties. He was in good shape, wearing a tight t-shirt and jeans, had long blond hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a smile that made my insides melt. In fact, I could find only one flaw in him; he had made no attempt to flirt with me, despite the glances I threw at him, and my attempts to flirt with HIM went nowhere. Either I was too subtle, or he wasn't interested. I could probably try harder, but I was scared to find out it was the latter. But how could he possibly ignore a cute eighteen-year-old in a low-cut summer dress?
I sighed unhappily – he really was a good-looking man. As I pouted into my mug of hot chocolate, I murmured to myself: "I wish he'd take me out back and spank me." And to my surprise, for the third time since I found it, I saw the ring on my finger glow.

A few seconds later, the man was standing over me, giving me a lascivious grin. "You seem like someone who's been a very naughty girl. Am I right?"

New term

For a while, I've been struggling with how to categorize some stories. I have written punishment stories, where the spanking happens to punish the spankee, and consensual stories, where it's for mutual enjoyment. But a lot of my stories fall into a third category: the spanker THINKS they're punishing the spankee, but they're actually enjoying it, and may have deliberately caused it in the first place.

I'm going to start categorizing these latter stories as "supposed punishment". Let me know if you have a better tern.

Sunday, 2 April 2023

The Magic Ring 2: Besties (F/F story)

"I cannot believe you'd spill something on my skirt, then try to hide it from me! Ruin your OWN things all you like, but leave my stuff alone," Joanne snapped as she paced back and forth on the floor of her bedroom. Joanne was my best friend; she was a petite girl with long black hair, deep green eyes, and a laid-back nature – though obviously, right at this moment, that nature was nowhere to be seen.

"I've already said I'm sorry. What more do you want?" I said as I stood before her, barely managing to resist the urge to roll my eyes. We had been planning to go to a club, and she'd decided to wear her newest skirt. It was when she retrieved it from her closet that she discovered what I'd done. "It was an accident."

"Oh?" she said, spinning to face me. "Was it an accident that you went to my closet, taking the new skirt I haven't even worn myself yet – without asking me? Was it an accident that you spilled soda all over it at the party? Was it an accident that you then hung the stained skirt back up in my closet, hoping I wouldn't notice?"

"I washed it first," I pointed out. "It isn't my fault the stain is still visible. Also, the spilling soda part WAS an accident."

The glare she cast in my direction told me that my comments were not appreciated. "I can't believe you!" she fumed. "You have no respect for other people's property! Do you have any idea how hard this will be to clean?"

At this point, I was no longer able to stop myself from rolling my eyes. She sounded like my mother, not my best friend. "I've apologized. Are you going to lecture me all day? I wish you'd spank me or something – get it out of your system," I said, having given up all attempts to hold my tongue.

Suddenly, I saw another gleam of light from my hand. I glanced down at the ring I'd found the week before – on the day that Mr Page had spanked me in detention. That had turned out to be a wonderful day; a new piece of jewellery AND a trip over the knee of my most handsome teacher? Sign me up! There had also been a flash of light from the ring on that day; probably I'd held it at just the right angle to reflect the sunlight, but I hadn't been able to replicate it. Before now, that is.

Joanne frowned as she regarded me, then sat down on her bed. "That sounds like a good idea, actually. Bend over my lap."


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...