Sunday, 26 January 2025

The pantsing (M/F story)

Ashley was heading to the classroom for the final lesson of the day, when her classmate Tricia suddenly placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, nerd. I need to talk to you."

Tricia was one of the high school's mean girls. Tall, blonde, curvy, and gorgeous, always in full make-up and expensively attired and manicured. Next to her, Ashley always felt flat, drab, poor, and boring. Tricia rarely spoke to her, and from the tone of her voice, Ashley suspected she wouldn't enjoy this conversation either.

"What about, Tricia?" Ashley asked, trying to keep a calm smile on her face as her heart was beating rapidly in her chest.

"You've been getting quite friendly with Lucas lately," Tricia said. Their classmate Lucas was considered one of the best-looking guys in school  – tall and athletic, with long, sandy hair, deep blue eyes, and a smile you could lose yourself in. "That's going to stop."

Ashley raised an eyebrow. "Why do you care who he's friends with? As far as I know, you two are not dating."

"Not yet, but I'm working on it," Tricia told her. "And I don't like competition, even from someone as insignificant as you."

"We're just friends!" Ashley told her, though that wasn't entirely true, at least from her side. She'd developed some feelings for the boy – most of the girls in class had – but so far, he hadn't picked up any of the hints she'd dropped. Maybe she was being too subtle, or he just wasn't interested. It was hard to tell with Lucas.

"You WERE friends," Tricia corrected her snidely.

Ashley sighed. "Come on, Tricia, aren't you being a bit silly? Trying to decide who's friends with who? We're eighteen, not eight." She wasn't entirely sure why she dared to speak up against Tricia. Maybe she'd just had enough, or Tricia had finally found something she wouldn't give up without a struggle.

"So you refuse my simple request?" Tricia shook her head. "Fine." The smile she sent Ashley as she walked away made a shiver run down the smaller girl's back. Though she didn't show it, Ashley could feel her insides twisting. Speaking up against Tricia always had a price.

She went inside the classroom. The teacher hadn't arrived yet, which was not surprising. It was still a few minutes left before class was supposed to start, and besides, Mr Matthews was often a bit late.

Lucas smiled at Ashley as she entered, and she blushed and smiled back. Briefly, she considered heeding Tricia's warning and taking her seat like a good little girl, but then she discarded the thought. For once, she wasn't going to be bullied.

She walked over to Lucas, and they were soon engaged in a pleasant conversation. Admittedly, he did most of the talking, but that was OK – she quite liked listening to his voice. Lost in his eyes, she didn't notice Tricia approaching. Nor it is likely she would have sensed danger even if she had. She expected Tricia to do something, of course, but later; on the way home from school, or on the way to school tomorrow, or at a party, or something like that. She wouldn't try something in the middle of the classroom, would she?

Unlike most of the girls in class, Ashley never wore tight jeans – she blushed at the thought of the way they'd show off her rear end. She tended to wear baggy trousers, which were a lot easier to put on. And now, when Tricia suddenly grabbed the waistband and pulled, she realized they were also a lot easier to remove.

Ashley squealed in humiliation when she realized that Tricia had not only pulled her trousers down, but her panties as well. She was nude from the waist down in the middle of the classroom. She could feel the eyes of her classmates on her naked form, and blushed so much she almost passed out. Frozen in fear at first, she eventually tried to reach down to put her clothes back on, but Tricia grabbed her hands, holding her in place. The tall blonde smiled cruelly at her victim, clearly enjoying her torment.

Ashley turned to Lucas, her eyes pleading him to help. The boy was staring in shock, just like everyone else, but in time, he regained his composure. He stepped forward, but before he could act, they heard a stern voice ring out in the classroom. "Patricia. What on Earth do you think you're doing?" They glanced at the door, where Mr Matthews had arrived.

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Jane's demonstration (M/FF story)

Jane gave an annoyed sigh when she opened the refrigerator door and discovered that she was out of milk. Since she'd receive visitors in the morning and the shops were closed for the holiday, she decided she would need to borrow some from her neighbours – and that it was better to head over and ask them now than risk waking them up early if she went in the morning. She'd lived next door to Mike and Annie for almost a year, and got along very well with them. The couple were always willing to stop for a chat if they saw her while out walking.

She decided to take the shortcut through the gardens, to save herself the trouble of walking out onto the street. As she passed their living room window, Jane cast a glance inside to see whether the couple were home. What she saw stopped her dead in her tracks, and her jaw dropped as she stared with a horrified expression on her face. Annie was lying across Mike's lap, with her skirt raised and her panties around her knees, and he was spanking her bottom.

Jane could not believe her eyes. Mike was beating his wife! And they'd seemed like such a nice couple – Annie had never seemed particularly timid around her husband, or fearful of his temper…

She hurried over to the wall of the house, peeking through the window. A closer look confirmed that she really was seeing what she'd thought she saw. Annie was squirming over his lap, and her bottom was getting redder with every firm smack he delivered. He chuckled, saying something to his wife, though Jane couldn't hear what through the thick pane of glass. She slipped her phone out of her pocket and took a few pictures, in case Annie wanted to go to the police. Jane would talk to her later, let her know that her door was always open for her, and offer to give her whatever support she needed. She considered barging through the door and putting a stop to this at once, but she feared that it would only make the situation worse. Better to wait for it to end, and then have a chat with Annie later – if the vicious brute would consent to let them talk privately.

She continued to stare at the shameful scene, but when Annie turned her head and Jane could see her face, the peeper experienced her second shock of the evening. Annie did not look pained or resigned to her fate or anything of the sort – in fact, the grin on her face was wider than Mike's. Jane believed she had never seen a woman look so happy. What was going on?

Annie had started to kick her legs, and even at this distance, Jane could tell how wet the woman's crotch was. She began to suspect that she had misinterpreted the scene somewhat, and she had to examine the assumptions she'd made.

Jane had no idea how long she sat there in the bushes, watching through the window, but finally, the spanking ended. Mike helped his wife stand up, and though her bottom was scarlet and tears were pouring down her face, there was an expression of absolute bliss upon her face. She kissed her husband passionately, and when their lips finally parted, he whispered something into her ear. She grinned, turning to face the window. Standing there with her panties around her knees, one hand rubbing her burning bottom, she waved cheerfully to Jane.

Realizing that she'd been caught spying through the window when her neighbours were having an intimate moment, Jane blushed until her cheeks were redder than Annie's. She eventually realized that the best thing to do would be to head inside, apologize, and ask if they wanted to talk about what she'd seen. Of course, by the time she made the realization, she'd already run home and locked the door behind her, so it was really no longer an option; it would be far too embarrassing to go back. She'd just have to put it out of her mind for now, and deal with it some other time, when she'd calmed down.

She'd entirely forgotten about the milk, of course, but that was unsurprising.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Prefects (M/F story)

Between classes, I was patrolling the school's more secluded areas, checking to see whether there were pupils smoking, drinking, or committing other mischief. Behind the bike shed, I was surprised to see my classmate Kimberly leaning against the wall, a book in her hands. Like me, Kimberly was a prefect; she was a lanky girl with deep, dark eyes, and long, dark hair that she often kept in pigtails. Some of the teachers said she looked like an angel, and she usually had the behaviour to match.

She seemed lost to the world, and there was a slight tinge to her cheeks as she stared wide-eyed at the in the old book she was reading. I wondered what it was that could absorb her like that. She was so engrossed, she didn't notice me approaching until I was right next to her. Her head shot up, and a squeal escaped her lips. "Oh! William! H-how nice to see you," she said, trying in vain to seem calm as she hid the book behind her back.

I wondered what on Earth Little Miss Manners could be reading that would embarrass her so much, and whether it was something that was not permitted on school grounds – which would surprise me from someone like her. Curiosity overcame me, so I reached around her and grabbed the book from her hand. She made no attempt to stop me, but she seemed deeply uncomfortable.

When I looked at it, it turned out to be nothing that was against school regulations; in fact, it WAS the school regulations. One of the prefects was hiding behind the bike shed, secretly reading the rules. What was going on?

Absently, I noted that there was a bookmark in the section about corporal punishment. I raised an eyebrow as I handed it back to her. "Brushing up on the school rules? Don't worry, I can't imagine you've broken any," I said, smiling.

She grabbed the book, clutching it as if afraid I'd snatch it away from her again. Tucking it away in her bag, she turned as if she wanted to leave, but she suddenly changed her mind. "Did you know prefects at this school are authorized to sp – " She paused, blushing. "To sp – To employ corporal punishment?"

"To spank?" I said, guessing the word that had she seemed to have some trouble speaking out loud, for some reason. "Yes, that was on the rulebooks in the seventies and eighties, wasn't it? The rules were changed in the nineties, I think."

She shook her head. "No. It fell out of favour, but it's still on the books. The rules never changed."

"Huh. That's an interesting piece of trivia. Might be good for a quiz or something, that," I said, smiling gently.

She bit her lip, somewhat annoyed with how lightly I took this revelation. "But you could sp… spank people if they misbehave!" she announced, finally overcoming her difficulties with the scary word.

I shrugged. "Maybe that was acceptable in the seventies, but I cannot imagine it would fly today. Do you?"

She stared at the ground, seeming lost in thought, before suddenly meeting my gaze. "Have you ever been spanked?" she asked, once again taking me by surprise. When I shook my head, she continued, "Me neither. But have you never been curious? Or have you ever wanted to spank someone else?"

"… I can't say I've thought much about the subject," I said, wondering why in the world we were discussing this.

She regarded me thoughtfully, seeming to size me up. Finally, she came to a decision. Taking a deep breath, she said in a quiet, slightly trembling voice: "Would you spank me if I deserved it?"

Sunday, 5 January 2025

The prankster (M/F story)

With one eye glancing at the morning paper, Darren stirred his teacup, placed it to his lips, and took a small sip. Suddenly, he grimaced, spitting it back into the cup before glaring at his girlfriend. "Really, Christie? Salt in the sugar bowl again? Aren't you far too old for those childish pranks?"

"Why, Darren, whatever do you mean?" the petite redhead said, batting her eyelashes and trying to look innocent. "I haven't done anything!"

"Oh, so the salt just climbed into the bowl all on its own?" he said, pouring the ruined tea into the sink and making himself a new cup. "Well, if any more salt should find itself in the sugar bowl, or any similar antics, a certain mischievous little prankster is going to find herself over my knee, having her bottom smacked. Is that clear?"

Christie started at the unexpected warning, blushing as she tried to return her boyfriend's glare. This was a new side to her gentle giant; he had never said anything like this to her before. "You're not funny," she muttered.

"Neither are you. The difference is, I'm not trying to be," he told her firmly. "I'm not joking. If you're going to act like a child, I'm going to treat you like one. And that means giving you what you deserve – a good, hard spanking."

She folded her arms in front of her chest, scoffing at his absurd threat. "You wouldn't dare."

He leaned in close, with a stern look on his face that caused her to avert her eyes and made her heart beat rapidly. "Try me and see what happens," he suggested in a cold tone.

Christie had butterflies in her stomach, and there was an unexpected tingling between her legs that told her that she should, in fact, try him and see what he would do. Part of her wanted to see more of this sterner, scarier Darren.


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...