Saturday, 28 January 2023

Stress relief (F/F story)

When Jennifer walked through the door, Nicole could tell that her girlfriend was tired. She'd had been working long days recently, and it was starting to take its toll. Nicole walked up behind her and started massaging her shoulders. "Rough day at work?"

"Like you wouldn't believe." A slight moan escaped her lips. "Keep doing that!"

"A bit stressed?"

"More than usual, yeah, I'll admit."

"Do you want a spanking?" Nicole asked, her voice sympathetic and offering.

"Yes, please," Jennifer said, a thankful smile on her face.

Sunday, 22 January 2023

Bailed out 3: Sent to bed (f/F story)

Third and possibly final part to this short series of a girl that spanks her older sister, which started with Bailed out.

Mary was sitting on her bed in her pyjamas, her stomach doing flipflops as she thought about what was about to happen. She'd taken some liquor from their mother's cabinet – since she was grounded and couldn't go to the pub, she had to be sober all of the time, and didn't particularly enjoy it. Her younger sister Wendy had caught her, scolded her for her theft, and told her to go to her bedroom, change into her pyjamas, and wait for a bedtime spanking.

As she sat there, dreading what was about to happen, Mary realized just how much her life had changed in just a few days. Last week, if someone had told her that she would meekly submit to being spanked by her little sister, she would have laughed in their faces. Now, it seemed unimaginable to resist her. In a few minutes, Wendy would enter the room, place her older sister over her knee, bare her bottom, and give her a sound spanking. There was no part of this that was up for debate.

Mary looked up at the clock, watching the minutes tick away as she wondered when Wendy would be here. Part of her thought the waiting was the hardest part, and wanted to get it over with, but another part knew that the hard part was still to come.

Suddenly, she heard her sister's approaching steps. She hung her head as the door opened, not wanting to see the disappointed look in her sister's eyes.

"Look at me, Mary."

Mary hesitantly obeyed. Her eyes widened as she spotted the large, heavy hairbrush in her sister's hand. It belonged to their mother, who had occasionally used it on the sisters when they were younger. She had never expected to see Wendy tap it against her palm in that familiar way.

Saturday, 14 January 2023

Bailed out 2: The morning after (f/F story)

 In November, I asked my readers to nominate a story they'd like to see a sequel to, and intended to have a poll where people could choose their favourite. The only suggestion I got was Bailed out, about a woman who is spanked by her younger sister after a night on the town. This is that sequel. There will also be a third part next week.

When Mary woke up, she hoped that the events of the evening before had all been a terrible dream. She and her friends had not actually ended up at the police station due to drunk driving, and she had not been picked up by her younger sister - who had not taken her home and spanked her bottom, before tucking her into bed.

However, as she sat up in bed, her burning bottom dispelled all of her comfortable illusions. She rose, walking over to the mirror and lowering her pyjamas bottoms to study her pink rear end. Most of the pain and colour had faded, but there was no doubt about what had happened to her last night.

Well, it was time to correct some things! She was the older sister, and while their mother was away, she considered herself in charge. She would not be bossed around and disciplined by her younger sister - if any spankings were to be handed out, she would be delivering them, not receiving them! She was going to put Wendy in her place.

Saturday, 7 January 2023

At the convent (M/FF story)

When I first looked through my files and found a story about a guy being a nude model in a convent, I found the idea so silly I wanted  to delete it unpublished. However, re-reading it, I found myself loving the way I had written it. Hence why I'm posting it here.

"So you're James," the woman told me as I entered her office. "The model? I'm Sister Stephanie." We shook hands, and I sat down in the chair opposite her. My employer turned out to be a blonde in her mid-twenties, with a friendly smile. "You seem confused," she said.

"I'd say unsettled, but that's splitting hairs. Point is, it's my first time working in a convent," I told her. "Not a lot of business here for someone in my line of work."

"Some of the younger nuns are taking up painting," she told me. "They're getting quite good at it, but... painting flowers and fruit gets DULL after a while. If you know what I mean."

"Moving on to painting people, that's natural enough. But they told me you were looking for a nude model. Is that true?"

She nodded. "Does that bother you?"

"Not at all, I've done this kind of work before. It's just... getting my cock out in a convent sounds like the highlight of a drunken story, not a day's honest work."

She blushed as she looked down at the paper, refusing to look me in the eye. "They warned us you were a very direct person."

"Sweetheart, you're going to be looking at it. Why does it matter if I talk about it?"

She blushed even redder, and didn't even seem to notice that she was holding her documents upside down. She was cuter when she was blushing, I noticed. She should do it more often.

Sunday, 1 January 2023

A surprising suggestion (M/F story)

I was 16 when I met Nora. We were in the same geography class, and I was interested in getting to know the short, red-haired girl with the deep green eyes. She later told she was equally interested in getting to know the lanky boy with the dark, unkempt hair and charming smile.

I was 17 when we started dating. I didn't want to ask her out when our classmates were around, in case she rejected me, but we ran into each other in the grocery store one day. We went to see a movie - possibly a superhero movie, but I can't remember. The goodbye kiss at her doorstep was far more memorable.

I was 18 the first time I spanked her. She hadn't shown up to school that day, so I went to her home to see if she was OK. I found her drinking beer on the sofa and watching TV - her parents were away, so she intended to party all weekend. I tried to talk sense into her, but she blew me off and insulted me. Angered by the dismissive attitude she was suddenly displaying, I ended up sitting next to her on the couch and dragging her over my knee. I first spanked over her sweatpants, which I then pulled down to smack the seat of her panties. She was soon apologizing and promising to be good. When it was over, she sobbed into my chest, worried that I hated her. I told her I loved her, but that I wouldn't let her treat herself this way – or me, for that matter. I also warned her that any future misconduct on her part would earn her another trip over my knee. She pouted at this prospect, but didn't protest.

I was 19 when Nora broke up with me. I'd given her quite a few spankings over the last year (every time I felt she deserved it), so my first worry was that I had been too strict with her. She assured me that this wasn't the problem; according to her, I had never been too cruel, had never punished her when it wasn't deserved, and had never taken advantage of her in her vulnerable state. No, the problem was that she was moving away to go to college in two weeks, and I was staying in the same city. She had no desire to be in a long-distance relationship, so it would be better for us both if we ended it now, instead of letting it drag on for another few months. Nothing I could say could change her mind, so we parted ways.

It was four weeks after this that I received the phone call from her sister that would lead to one of the strangest events of my life.


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...