Sunday, 27 June 2021
Lisa's Mother (M/F story)
Would like to be one of them (M/F story)
“Hey, Susie,” Aaron said as he walked up to his girlfriend. It was the end of the day, and he had looked all over school for her, before finally finding her peeking around a wall. He realized that she hadn’t heard him speak, so he looked over her shoulder to find out what she was so enthralled by. He raised an eyebrow as he realized that she was staring into the principal’s office, where two girls were standing with their hands on their heads and their backs to the tall window.
Both had their skirts raised and their panties lowered. One of them had been spanked and caned, judging by the state of her rear, while the other had just been spanked. From their hair, he guessed that the one who had been caned was Gwen, and that the one waiting for her turn was Ellen. He couldn’t be sure, but that would certainly fit what he knew about them.
As he enjoyed the sight of the two bare-bottomed girls, he placed his hand
gently on Susie’s shoulder. She started, spinning around with a panicked look
on her face, but relaxed when she saw who it was.
“Oh. Hi, Aaron,” she said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. “I didn’t hear you approach.”
“I’m not surprised. Your mind seemed to be elsewhere,” he said, nodding toward the principal’s window. Susie blushed.
“I was just – I wasn’t….”
He nodded. “I bet you’re glad you’re not one of them right now, huh?” He was surprised when she bit her lip and didn’t answer. “Aren’t you?” he pressed, but she averted his gaze. “Well then,” he added as he placed his arm over her shoulder. “Why don’t we go back to my place, I’ll make you a cup of tea, and you can tell me what’s ACTUALLY on your mind.” She walked alongside him, still lost in thought.
The tavern (M/F story)
A few days into my journey, I stopped at a small tavern near the road. There were a few people at the tavern – some locals and some other travellers – but the serving girl seemed more interested in sitting down and chatting with her friends, or with gazing at the young male travellers, than in performing her duties. She also seemed to have an uncommonly sharp tongue for a serving girl.
The owner of the tavern was Amanda, a blonde woman a few years older than me. We started to chat, and she asked me what I thought about the place.
"It is a fine place, but I think your staff is inefficient," I said, nodding towards the tall, blonde, slim serving girl.
"Ah. My daughter Leanora," she told me. "Yes, she's a headstrong girl."
"She could do with a good thrashing," I told her frankly. "The girl seems lazy and rude."
Sunday, 20 June 2021
The imaginary mosquito (F/F story)
The school project (M/F story)
Bailed out (f/F story)
At the start of the evening, Mary had felt so powerful. Her mother was out of town, spending a week or two on a vacation with her friends, so there was no one at home to lord over her – only her younger sister, Wendy, who did very little lording and a lot of sad tutting.
She looked at herself in the mirror before heading out: a tight shirt, a short skirt, and a thong that would ensure she would leave precious little to the imagination should she bend over. A perfect sight, she thought as she grinned to herself. Wendy looked disapprovingly at her as she left, but didn't say anything – she rarely did.
Technically speaking, it would be a few months until she was old enough to drink, but with a few friends, that was a small issue, and the party was soon very much on. She wasn't entirely sure when they piled into the car, desperately searching for some more liquor, but she knew the party was over when the police cruiser pulled up next to them. The uniformed officer staring down at them made her sober up quite fast.
Saturday, 12 June 2021
Her tutor (M/F story)
I sat down and looked at the woman I was meeting today: a tall, blonde woman with a winning smile. I estimated her to be in her late twenties or early thirties. "So, Miss Miller, could you explain why you wanted to meet with me today?"
There was something in her eyes that seemed less joyful than her smile. She seemed nervous. Whatever she was discussing with me, it seemed to make her a little uncomfortable. "Call me Carol, please. And may I call you Stuart?" When I nodded, she continued, "The reason I'm here is that I've heard that you are the best tutor in town."
"That's true." I'd spent more than a few hours tutoring high school students whose work failed to meet their parents' expectations, and had developed quite a reputation for it. I looked at my client again. She didn't seem nearly old enough to have a daughter of high school age, but at the same time, she looked far too old to be in high school herself. Perhaps she had a sister or something.
"Well," she said, taking a deep breath to calm herself. "I'm retaking a few high school classes – to improve my grades." She giggled a bit, trying to calm herself. "Too much goofing off the first time around, I'm afraid."
The schoolgirl uniform (M/F story)
Her friend the babysitter (F/F story)
After the race (M/F story)
Andrew folded his arms and looked at her with the calm disappointment that always made her feel terrible. Andrew rarely got angry with anyone, but he made it quite clear when he thought they weren't giving him their all. “As the trainer of the school running team, it's my job to make sure everyone is giving their best performance on the field. And unless you start actually training, you won't amount to much.”
“I'm the best runner in this school!” she snapped.
He shrugged. “True, but natural talent never amounts to anything without actual work. In fact, that just makes it worse – you're squandering natural talents that the other girls would kill to possess. There are girls on this team that work twice as hard as you every week, and the difference becomes even bigger just before a big race.”
She gave him the best dismissive face she could muster. There was some truth to what he said, she knew that, but she wasn't going to let him know that. Besides, as the star of the team, she deserved to be treated better than this. “So what are you going to do, then? Kick me off the team?”
“I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. I'm willing to offer you a deal. We're just a week away from the annual race against Wilmore's team. If you win that race, against athletes who've trained far harder than you, I'm willing to let you train on your own schedule.”
“And if I lose, I promise to train harder?” she suggested.
He shook his head. “No. You've promised that before, and I don't expect your word will be worth anything this time either. No, if you lose, I'm going to spank you.”
Saturday, 5 June 2021
Stealing (M/F story)
A calm afternoon (F/M & M/F story)
The new neighbour (F/M story)
I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...
"Vanessa? It IS you, isn't? it?” I looked up to see that the little blonde in the white top and pink shorts who had been looking at...
Once again, Luther found himself patrolling the hallways between classes. The head boy found he could often quieten down misbehaving younger...