Sunday, 27 June 2021

Lisa's Mother (M/F story)

 When I was growing up, my best friend was the girl next door, Lisa Milton. We played games, read books, and conducted mischief together, and were more or less inseparable.
Lisa looked like an angel, with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She was the cutest thing I had ever laid eyes on.  As we grew older, we grew closer, and in time, we started dating.
But this isn’t Lisa’s story. This story is about Lisa’s mother. 
The year we celebrated our nineteenth birthday, Lisa’s mother was moving house. Lisa and I, both away studying at college, returned to our old neighbourhood to help her. I was looking forward to a weekend of light physical labour, catching up with old friends and a few conversations with Mrs Milton.
At one point in our long workday, Lisa was down in the basement, looking for more boxes to pack things into. Me and her mother were digging through the junk that had piled up in the closets. Suddenly, Mrs Milton called out to me.
“Look what I found under these magazines!” She was holding up a small wooden paddle, just a little bit larger than my hand. It had the words “Attitude Adjuster” written across it. Back when I was a kid, I had often seen this thing used on Lisa’s bare bottom, and I had felt its effect more than once myself. She held it out to me, and I took it, swinging it through the air a couple of times.

Would like to be one of them (M/F story)

 “Hey, Susie,” Aaron said as he walked up to his girlfriend. It was the end of the day, and he had looked all over school for her, before finally finding her peeking around a wall. He realized that she hadn’t heard him speak, so he looked over her shoulder to find out what she was so enthralled by. He raised an eyebrow as he realized that she was staring into the principal’s office, where two girls were standing with their hands on their heads and their backs to the tall window.


Both had their skirts raised and their panties lowered. One of them had been spanked and caned, judging by the state of her rear, while the other had just been spanked. From their hair, he guessed that the one who had been caned was Gwen, and that the one waiting for her turn was Ellen. He couldn’t be sure, but that would certainly fit what he knew about them.

As he enjoyed the sight of the two bare-bottomed girls, he placed his hand gently on Susie’s shoulder. She started, spinning around with a panicked look on her face, but relaxed when she saw who it was.


“Oh. Hi, Aaron,” she said, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. “I didn’t hear you approach.”


“I’m not surprised. Your mind seemed to be elsewhere,” he said, nodding toward the principal’s window. Susie blushed.


“I was just – I wasn’t….”


He nodded. “I bet you’re glad you’re not one of them right now, huh?” He was surprised when she bit her lip and didn’t answer. “Aren’t you?” he pressed, but she averted his gaze. “Well then,” he added as he placed his arm over her shoulder. “Why don’t we go back to my place, I’ll make you a cup of tea, and you can tell me what’s ACTUALLY on your mind.” She walked alongside him, still lost in thought.

The tavern (M/F story)

It was a warm summer day in the fifth year of the reign of King Parson. I had only recently become a squire, but I had been entrusted with a rather large sum of money that my lord wanted me to deliver to the king as a tribute. We had decided that a large escort would only draw attention and entice robbers or other lords that would attempt to rob us. A single squire on his own would be unlikely to draw anyone's attention, and I would be armed and high-ranking enough to stop any commoner from starting trouble. At any rate, entrusting me with the money was a sign of trust from my lord, and I was eager to prove myself worthy of his trust.
A few days into my journey, I stopped at a small tavern near the road. There were a few people at the tavern – some locals and some other travellers – but the serving girl seemed more interested in sitting down and chatting with her friends, or with gazing at the young male travellers, than in performing her duties. She also seemed to have an uncommonly sharp tongue for a serving girl.
The owner of the tavern was Amanda, a blonde woman a few years older than me. We started to chat, and she asked me what I thought about the place.
"It is a fine place, but I think your staff is inefficient," I said, nodding towards the tall, blonde, slim serving girl.
"Ah. My daughter Leanora," she told me. "Yes, she's a headstrong girl."
"She could do with a good thrashing," I told her frankly. "The girl seems lazy and rude."

Sunday, 20 June 2021

The imaginary mosquito (F/F story)

It was late night. Me and my best friend Chrissy had been at a party, and I'd agreed to come back to her place, where we'd probably listen to music until we fell asleep in her room. This was what usually happened after a long party.
I was wearing my dress from the party, a green cotton dress that I felt accentuated my curves. I'd certainly gotten more than a few looks at the party. Chrissy was wearing her Nightwish t-shirt, but she had discarded her jeans due to the warmth. Every time she stretched herself or raised her arms as she walked around the room, the hem of the t-shirt would rise up and reveal her pink, skimpy panties. I watched the material stretch snugly across her bubble butt and was filled with a desire to spank that gorgeous bottom.
This was still a fairly new experience for me. I'd never really had those kinds of thoughts about other girls, and definitely not about my best friend, but for some reason, I had an overwhelming urge to put her across my knee and spank her bottom. Maybe I was worried about the direction her life was taking and wanted to introduce some discipline to her life, I tried to tell myself. Yes, that was it. I was only concerned for her, her future, and her supple backside.

The school project (M/F story)

One Thursday morning, our geography teacher let us know that we would be working on a project for the next few weeks. We had to pick a country and give a presentation on it to the rest of the class; history, culture, cuisine, anything we could dig up. As the class began to split into pairs, I scanned the room to see who was available. I partly wanted to work with my friend Matthew, but I had also worked quite well with Susan in the past, and I was hoping for a decent grade on the project.
Suddenly, Jessie walked up to me. She was a girl with some goth tendencies – she'd dyed her hair black, wore black nail polish and lipstick, and tended to wear tight shirts and short skirts. She seemed like she was trying to project an aura of dark mystery and wicked secrets, but she usually came across as rude. Though I suppose that was close enough, in her eyes.
She asked me if we could do the project together. I was a bit surprised, as we didn't know each other that well. I had nothing against her, mind you. She was just another person in my class. "Sure," I said.
"We can work on it in my flat tomorrow evening. Be there at six," she said, and walked back to her seat. A bit rude, in my opinion. What if I had plans for Friday night? I didn't, but she didn't know that. But I decided to let it go.
Now that I had time to think, I began to wonder if she was hoping to unload all the work on me. I'd had some project partners like that in the past, who just hope to cruise their way to a good grade on your hard work. Well, if that was her plan, she'd find opposition.

Bailed out (f/F story)

At the start of the evening, Mary had felt so powerful. Her mother was out of town, spending a week or two on a vacation with her friends, so there was no one at home to lord over her – only her younger sister, Wendy, who did very little lording and a lot of sad tutting.


She looked at herself in the mirror before heading out: a tight shirt, a short skirt, and a thong that would ensure she would leave precious little to the imagination should she bend over. A perfect sight, she thought as she grinned to herself. Wendy looked disapprovingly at her as she left, but didn't say anything – she rarely did.


Technically speaking, it would be a few months until she was old enough to drink, but with a few friends, that was a small issue, and the party was soon very much on. She wasn't entirely sure when they piled into the car, desperately searching for some more liquor, but she knew the party was over when the police cruiser pulled up next to them. The uniformed officer staring down at them made her sober up quite fast.

Saturday, 12 June 2021

Her tutor (M/F story)

I sat down and looked at the woman I was meeting today: a tall, blonde woman with a winning smile. I estimated her to be in her late twenties or early thirties. "So, Miss Miller, could you explain why you wanted to meet with me today?"


There was something in her eyes that seemed less joyful than her smile. She seemed nervous. Whatever she was discussing with me, it seemed to make her a little uncomfortable. "Call me Carol, please. And may I call you Stuart?" When I nodded, she continued, "The reason I'm here is that I've heard that you are the best tutor in town."


"That's true." I'd spent more than a few hours tutoring high school students whose work failed to meet their parents' expectations, and had developed quite a reputation for it. I looked at my client again. She didn't seem nearly old enough to have a daughter of high school age, but at the same time, she looked far too old to be in high school herself. Perhaps she had a sister or something.


"Well," she said, taking a deep breath to calm herself. "I'm retaking a few high school classes – to improve my grades." She giggled a bit, trying to calm herself. "Too much goofing off the first time around, I'm afraid."

The schoolgirl uniform (M/F story)

 It was about a week before Halloween, and Molly was wandering through a used clothing store, looking for something that might make a good costume on a student’s budget. The 23-year-old browsed through the shop, glancing this way and that, when she spotted something that made her stop dead in her tracks. On the wall in front of her was a schoolgirl outfit.

Molly had been spanked quite a few times by her boyfriend David. There was something so intensely erotic about being pulled across his lap, having her skirt raised and her panties taken down, before his firm palm delivered a spanking that had her squirming and moaning. But she’d felt that it lacked something until now – an element of roleplaying. She’d never worn a uniform in school, but she’d always liked the aesthetic in the videos she watched online.

She looked at the uniform again. Maybe she should try it on.
In the changing room, she looked at herself in the mirror. She turned around and glanced over her shoulder, thinking about the view David would have when she was over his lap. Slowly, she raised her skirt to reveal her pink panties. Maybe she should put on some white cotton ones, to make it more realistic…
The girl behind the counter gave her a knowing grin as she purchased the uniform. Molly blushed and wanted to protest, to say that she was buying it for someone else and had no naughty plans for it, but she couldn’t.
“Have fun,” the girl said as she left the store. Molly blushed again.

Her friend the babysitter (F/F story)

Jenny was visiting her best friend Britney, and the two of them were sitting on Britney's bed, listening to the new album that Britney had bought.
"Cool, huh?" Britney said. Jenny nodded. "I wasn't sure whether I should spend so much on an album, but I've made a bit of money on my babysitting job, so I decided that I could afford it."
“Oh yeah. How’s that job working out for you?” Jenny said. Britney had been working as a babysitter in the area for more than a year now.
She shrugged. “It’s OK. Usually, we play and have fun, but yesterday, I had to spank Molly when she refused to go to bed.”
Jenny’s heart skipped a beat, and she tried to process what she’d just heard. She looked at her friend. “What did you just say? You spanked her?”
Britney nodded. “Sure. When the kids misbehave, I put them across my knee. Part of the job, you know.”
Jenny had to fight an overwhelming urge to press her for details. Jenny had been fascinated by spanking all her life – a secret attraction that thrilled her every time the subject came up in old films or books. She’s hungrily devoured every mention of it, but it had always been something remote and alien. She’d never been spanked, never seen anyone get spanked, and never spanked anyone. And now, she learned that her best friend sometimes spanked the children she looked after.

After the race (M/F story)

"Why don't you just get off my back, Andrew!" Sophie said with as much bite as she could.
Andrew folded his arms and looked at her with the calm disappointment that always made her feel terrible. Andrew rarely got angry with anyone, but he made it quite clear when he thought they weren't giving him their all. “As the trainer of the school running team, it's my job to make sure everyone is giving their best performance on the field. And unless you start actually training, you won't amount to much.”
“I'm the best runner in this school!” she snapped.
He shrugged. “True, but natural talent never amounts to anything without actual work. In fact, that just makes it worse – you're squandering natural talents that the other girls would kill to possess. There are girls on this team that work twice as hard as you every week, and the difference becomes even bigger just before a big race.”
She gave him the best dismissive face she could muster. There was some truth to what he said, she knew that, but she wasn't going to let him know that. Besides, as the star of the team, she deserved to be treated better than this. “So what are you going to do, then? Kick me off the team?”
“I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. I'm willing to offer you a deal. We're just a week away from the annual race against Wilmore's team. If you win that race, against athletes who've trained far harder than you, I'm willing to let you train on your own schedule.”
“And if I lose, I promise to train harder?” she suggested.
He shook his head. “No. You've promised that before, and I don't expect your word will be worth anything this time either. No, if you lose, I'm going to spank you.”

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Stealing (M/F story)

 Helen glanced down into her wallet again, as she expected some magical elf to have filled it with cash while she wasn't looking. To her complete lack of surprise, it hadn't.
She'd turned eighteen a little more than a month ago, and she'd already been out drinking three times – it just tasted different when it was legal. But without money, she wouldn't be drinking much.
But a thought entered her head. Paul, her younger brother, had recently gotten a small, after-school job at a shop. The pay could have been better, but it was money. And she knew just where he kept it, too: a small shoe box at the back of his closet. What did a sixteen-year-old need with that money?
And as long as she was careful, and only made her move while he was out, there was little or no risk that he'd notice a few ten-pound notes missing from the shoe box. The last thing she wanted was for her parents to find out and ground her!
A few hours later, Paul knocked on her door. “I'm off to the store. Do you need anything?”
She shrugged. “Can't think of anything,” she told him, trying her best to look calm. She checked that he'd put on his jacket and left the house, before sneaking towards his room. There wasn't really a reason to be so quiet, since their parents were out, but it just felt natural. She found the shoe box, cleverly hidden beneath a blanket. Inside, there was a stack of twenties, some tenners, and some coins. She took a few bills and placed them in her pocket. She still couldn't believe that he preferred his money here, rather than in the bank, but she wasn't complaining. The money in the bank would be a lot harder to steal.
“What do you think you are doing?” a cold voice said behind her. She spun around, and stood face to face with her younger brother, looking more angry than she'd ever seen him.

A calm afternoon (F/M & M/F story)

 Fay smiled as she spotted Dan on the couch fast asleep. She'd worked the late shift today, and had expected her boyfriend to head off to bed before she came home. It looked like he'd fallen asleep waiting for her. Lying on his stomach, snoring lightly.
She giggled. He looked so cute, sleeping like that. She stepped over to run her fingers through his hair, and rested her eyes on his rear end, tightly encased in a pair of faded jeans. A naughty thought entered her head.
Dan suddenly felt a weight on his back and jolted awake. He'd been waiting for Fay to come home, and... he realized must have fallen asleep. It couldn't have been much more than a few minutes, though.
Fay was sitting on his back, her legs at his sides, facing away from him. "What are you up to?" he asked suspiciously, trying to glare up at her. Not an easy feat, giving their current positions.
She gave his bottom a few light slaps. "I decided I wanted to give you a spanking," she explained. She had always had a great appetite for spanking – both giving and receiving. He'd grown to develop one as well.

The new neighbour (F/M story)

 As Sara sat down on the porch of her new house, she smiled up at her neighbour as he opened a bottle of wine. She'd spent the day moving in with the assistance of her new neighbours, and the group had spent a few hours afterwards, sitting outside, watching the setting sun. They'd all gone home expect Will, but considering he was a cute young man in good shape, she didn't consider that a bad thing.
“To new friends,” she said, raising her glass to a toast. Will repeated the gesture.
“Seems like a nice enough neighbourhood,” she said, looking around.
“Good, decent people here,” he said, shrugging. “Though I'm not too sure about some of our more recent arrivals,” he continued, with a grin that took all potential sting off the remark. They were in that stage of new friendships were a few friendly ribs wouldn't be too improper.
She playfully slapped his arm. “Hey, watch yourself, young man, or you'll find yourself with a smacked bottom.”
A stunned look spread across his face as Will's glass fell to the floor and broke. Blushing madly, he stuttered something, and went inside to find something to clean up with.


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...