Saturday, 29 January 2022

Detective (F/F story)

Jane Burke leaned back in her chair, flicking through her mail one more time. Advertisements, bills, more advertisements... not a single person looking to employ her. And as one of the city's most successful private detectives, she found that a bit strange.

She was flicking through the pile yet again, seeing if there was a letter she'd missed, when her secretary entered the room. "Hey, Jane, anything else I need to finish before I leave tomorrow?"

Jane glanced up, letting her eyes wander from Rachel's stockings, all the way up to her face, in a way that usually cheered them both up. Officially, they were boss and employee, but once they locked the door and headed home, they were so much more.

"Nothing at all, Rachel. Go on your little vacation, I can handle things around here." She flicked through the pile again. "Things have been pretty calm around here since we moved offices. A lot fewer phone calls, the police don't push things on us... I mean, I don't enjoy handling their scraps, but at least it's work. You did give them our new contact info, right? So maybe we should just wait and see what happens."

Rachel let out a small gasp, and Jane narrowed her eyes in suspicion. That gasp didn't sound good. Not good at all. "Rachel?" she said, fixing the secretary with her coldest glare. "You DID give them our new contact information, like I told you to?"

The secretary, now rapidly turning pale, took a step back, both hands protectively clutching her rear end. She'd seen that look in her boss's eyes before, and it was never good news for her ability to sit. Jane got to her feet, both her voice and her eyes growing colder. "Rachel? That was an important task I gave you. Don't tell me you screwed it up."

Rachel backed further away, bumping against the closed door. In a second, Jane had crossed the distance between them, grabbed the secretary's hand, and pulled her back to her chair. Rachel obeyed, knowing that resisting her was unwise right now.

Working on vacation (M/F story)

She read through the report, checking that every line of the document was as it should be before she signed it. Satisfied, she moved on to the next in the pile. If she finished this pile either today or tomorrow, she could mail it back before the weekend.

Her boyfriend stepped up behind her, briefly massaging her shoulders. "Thanks, I needed that,"
she told him.

"That's what a vacation is for, Sue. Relaxing. You want to know what a vacation is NOT for?" He picked up the pile of papers in front of her. "This. Put the reports away and relax."

"They need me to sign this."

"Probably, but it can still wait. You've been on vacation five days now, and for four of them, you've been working. You're supposed to calm down, to relax in the sun, to spend some time with your boyfriend."

"It's not hurting anyone."

"It's hurting you, even if you don't realize it. You need to put all of this out of your mind. You're going to take the next four or five days off, and if I see you working at any time during those days, I'm taking you over my knee and spanking some sense into you."

Sue turned away from him, ignoring him. Jokes like that weren't the least bit funny. But she decided she could spend the day next to the pool anyway.

The next day, Sue had picked up where she had left off, going through the reports she had to sign. No problems in the contract – sign and move on. Suddenly, she noticed that Steve was standing next to her, looking quite annoyed.

"Stand up."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I said, stand up."

She did so, wondering what was going on. He sat down in the chair, and looked up at her. "I told you, you need to stop working for the next few weeks."

"My work is important!"

"Not as important as your health!" And he grabbed her wrist and dragged her over his knee. Sue was disoriented and confused, unsure of what was happening. Then the first smack landed, hard hand on tight jeans.

"Ow!" She kicked her legs as he delivered half a dozen spanks, each as hard as the first. "Hey, knock it off! Stop kidding around, that hurts!"

"You still think I'm kidding? Let's see if this convinces you." And he helped her to her feet. Before she could register relief at this, his hands moved to the front of her jeans and he started to unbutton them. Too shocked to resist, she suddenly found her jeans pulled down around her ankles, and she was back over his knee. The spanking started again, much more painful without the protection of her jeans.

"You can't keep working all the time," he said as he delivered a series of spanks to her sit spots. "You're just making yourself sick. And if you won't take care of yourself, I will."

"You call this taking care of me!?"

"Yes. If you're not willing to listen with your ears, I'll have to communicate through your bottom. Is it working?"

"Let me up, you asshole!"

He raised an eyebrow. "I'll take that as a 'no', then." To her great despair, he pulled her panties down, revealing two rosy cheeks.

For a while, he kept on spanking her, moving from cheek to cheek and making sure he covered her entire bottom. When her backside was starting to turn red, he tried again. "Can you tell me what you did wrong?"

"No! And even if I could, I wouldn't!"

Suddenly, she was back on her feet, and Steve had vanished into the bedroom. Well, at last it was over! She would have to talk to him about these strange ideas of his. She turned her head and looked at her bottom. It felt a lot worse than it looked, that was for sure.

Steve entered the room again, carrying her old wooden hairbrush. Sue suddenly realized what he was planning, and ran. Or, at least, she tried, but since her jeans and panties were still around her ankles, she didn't get very far.

Steve grabbed her around the waist and lifted her over to the chair, lowering her over his knee. "Let's see if this can change your attitude."

"Steve! Please, can't we talk about this?"

"Not yet." And he started the spanking. Sue cried out at the first stroke; that brush was a lot more painful than his hand. The smacks came hard and fast, and soon, she was crying openly.

A few minutes of brushing later, he stopped, and started rubbing her bottom with the brush. "Are you ready to tell me what you did wrong now?"


"Good. Let's hear it."

"I kept working, even when you told me not to."

"And why was that wrong?"

"Because you told me not too, and because I wasn't spending time with you."

He sighed. "That's not what this is about at all. It's a bonus, sure. Let's try it again, and if you get it wrong, it's five more minutes with the brush."


"Five is a good number. Ten is better, perhaps. Would you like to make it ten?"

"No, sir."

"Let's try again. What did you do wrong?"

She thought back to his earlier lecture. "Because I forgot to look after myself, and I should be resting?"

He kept rubbing her bottom with the brush. "Is that your final answer?"

She hesitated. She REALLY didn't want to get this wrong. "Yes," she said, nervously.

"And you're right." He helped her to her feet, and her hands flew back to her bottom.

"I'm going out to the pool. Feel free to join me. If you pick up work at ANY TIME during the next week, I'm picking up the brush. Got that?" She nodded.

Ten minutes later, Sue was standing in front of the mirror in her bikini, studying her red rear. One thing was for sure, she wasn't going to the beach any time soon.

When the store closes (M/F story)

The last customer left the supermarket ten minutes after closing time, and David could finally lock the door. He was tired, and annoyed at having dealt with brats and bastards for the last eight hours, but he was still smiling, for two reasons. One, even if he met a lot of pricks working the evening shift, he met a lot of very nice people too. And some of them just had a way of brightening your day.

The other reason for his happiness was waiting for him in the lunchroom.

He walked into the room with as much authority as he could muster. If anyone else had been there, they would probably have found him laughable, but somehow, in this situation, it worked. Jenny was sitting at the lunch table.

"I've had some more complaints today, Jenny," he said, speaking slowly and calmly, but allowing the merest hint of a cold tone into his voice. "Customers complaining you've been rude and unhelpful, and co-workers getting tired of your attitude." None of it true, of course; Jenny was always pleasant to be around, and customers and co-workers alike loved her. But it was part of the role-play, and he loved the way she would look at the floor, too ashamed to look him in the eye. "I've warned you about this, haven't I, Jenny?"

"Yes, sir," she whispered.

"Look at me." She obeyed. "Do you have anything to say before I punish you, young lady?"

"I'm sorry." Still whispering.

"Oh, you will be. Stand up!" She jumped to her feet, and he took the now empty chair. He patted his lap, and she lowered herself over his knee.

He started by rubbing of those tight shorts she loved to wear, listening as she sighed in content and anticipation from his touch. "Are you ready for your punishment, Jenny?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good." He kept rubbing for some time, before suddenly lifting his hand and giving her a hard smack. He rubbed some more, and gave her another smack.

He kept on rubbing and smacking, with no rhyme or reason to his timing. The smacks came completely at random, taking her by surprise and giving her no time to prepare. She was his, to punish or pleasure as he saw fit.

Slowly, the smacks came more often, and the rubbing was shorter, and before long, the rubbing had stopped, and he was giving her a good spanking. Lifting his hand again and again, he covered her entire bottom with quick, firm strokes.

After a while, he told her to stand up. He lowered her shorts and panties, telling her to step out of them when they hit the floor. He also relieved her of her socks, meaning she was completely bare from the waist down. "Turn around." She did so, and he studied her pink bottom. "Looks like we've got a long way to go yet, Jenny."

"Yes, sir."

At his command, she lowered herself over his lap again, and he continued the spanking. Hard slaps covering her bared bottom, and she was moaning in a mix of pain and pleasure. At some of the harder strokes, she would give off a small kick or a barely audible yelp – music to his ears.

Slowly, her bottom turned from pink to red, and they loved every second. At last, David told the naughty girl to stand up.

"I want you to go stand in the corner now," he said. "I want you to stand here, hands on your head and bottom on display, while I finish locking up. If you move before your time is up, when we get home, I'll take you back over my knee and give you a dose of the hairbrush before sending you off to sleep."

"Maybe I'd like that."

"But if you're a good girl and stay in your corner, I'll take you over my knee and give you a dose of the hairbrush, and then bend you over the table and fuck you like you've never been fucked before."

Jenny stood there, hands on her head as she wondered what she looked most forward to.

Saturday, 22 January 2022

College Job (F/M story)

Roger walked up to the house, his body language clearly revealing that he wanted to be as far away from the place as humanly possible. He glanced at the address again, making sure he was at the right place.

He shook his head, frustrated at the situation. So what if he'd been drinking in his room at the dorm? He was an adult, for crying out loud. He should be allowed to drink where he wanted to. With a heavy sigh, he concluded that he was at the right address after all. He reached out to ring the doorbell.

A few seconds later, a girl about his age opened the door. She was short, with long red hair and a short skirt. Probably the daughter of the woman he was sent to see, he concluded. He hoped she wouldn't be allowed to watch his punishment – he couldn't imagine something worse than having this cute little thing watch his punishment.

"Can I help you?" the girl asked.

"Uhm. I have a note here for a Miss Debbie..." he said, hoping she wouldn't know what that entailed. He was completely unprepared for the shock that was to come.

"That's me," the girl said, holding her hand out for the note. "Miss Hartley sent you, right?"

"YOU'RE Debbie?" he said, staring at her in shock. This was the strict disciplinarian? This slip of a girl, barely out of her teens – if that?

"MISS Debbie, to you," she said, frowning. Her hand was still extended, waiting for the note. When he didn't move, she reached out and took it from his hand. "Usual stuff I see. Drinking at school grounds, wanted alternative to expulsion... dime a dozen, really." She held the door open. "Come on in, and we'll get this taken care of."

"You look like you're still in college," Roger said as he entered, still shocked by this turn of events.

"I am," she said as she closed the door behind him, leading him into a comfortable living room. "Doing Miss Hartley a few favours, and getting paid as a teacher's assistant. I'd do it for free, but I'm not going to refuse the money offered to me. A few years ago, my older brothers were studying here, and doing so quite poorly," she said, with an almost disinterested air as if she'd told the story a hundred times before. "When I began here, I could see with my own eyes the mischief they got up to. Skipping class, drinking all night, loud music..." she shook her head, before shrugging. "So I spanked them."

"You... spanked your older brothers?" Roger said.

"Pulled their underpants down, took them over my knee and spanked them until they sobbed their eyes out – and for quite some time after that too. Their grades improved dramatically after that – though I did give them a few reminders, just to keep them at the top of their game." She sat down on the couch. "Anyway, Miss Hartley saw the change that came over my brothers, and asked them why they were working so hard. They refused to answer her, so she asked me. I showed her how I'd gotten their attention."

"Showed her?" he asked in an alarmed voice.

"Spanked them right in front of her," she explained. "She was a bit shocked as I called them in and pulled their underpants down – and so were they, to be honest - but by the time they were allowed into the corner, she seemed quite pleased with my work." She smiled, satisfied with herself. "But there were plenty of other lazy students, of course. So we decided to make a deal; any time a student faces expulsion as a result of low grades or other misbehaviour, we give them the chance to come here and take a spanking from me instead. Some refuse the deal, but we see a marked improvement in the behaviour of those that accept." She looked at him, her eyes suddenly cold. "Which brings us neatly to why YOU'RE here."

Roger felt a cold shiver down his back. This was unbelievable. The girl was a foot shorter than him, and looked like a stiff breeze would knock her off her feet, and he was scared witless by her.

"I trust Miss Hartley told you what you could expect here?" she said. He nodded. "What did she say?"

"She said... she said you'd punish me, miss."

"Oh, that's all she told you?" she said teasingly. "She didn't tell you I would give you a good spanking? She didn't tell you I'd take your trousers and underpants down first? She didn't tell you I would smack your bottom hard until it was very, very red and you were very, very sorry?"

"Uhm. She said all of those things, miss."

"Good," Debbie said with a grin. "You know what's coming, then. I don't think there's any reason we shouldn't start right away, then." She sat up, patting her lap. "Take off everything below the waist and lay over my lap, please."

He stared at her. "E... everything?"

She sighed. "You were promised a BARE-BOTTOM spanking, were you not? I believe those were Miss Hartley's exact words?" He nodded. "Well, tell me, genius, how are you going to get a BARE-BOTTOM spanking if I don't BARE your BOTTOM?"

Reluctantly, he took off his trousers, folding them and placing them on a nearby chair. He looked at the girl that was about to take him over her knee. She was a cute, petite woman. The thought that she would not only see him naked, but actually SPANK him, was the most embarrassing thing he could imagine. She was wearing a tight top, and a short skirt that almost revealed her panties when she sat down. He took off his socks, placing them on the chair, and was about to lower his underpants when he suddenly discovered something that would make this even more humiliating.

He had an erection.

"Come on, get your clothes off," Miss Debbie said impatiently. "I haven't got all day."

He hesitated, but as he saw the frown on her face, he realized that any time wasted could have dire consequences. He took a deep breath and lowered his boxers.

"Aw, how cute. You think this is going to be fun, do you?" She smiled. "Don't worry. It will be long gone by the time your spanking is over, I promise you that. You're not the first naughty boy to go over my lap with an erection."

She patted her lap again, and he leaned forward, placing himself over those soft thighs. Her soft skin under his, the smell of her perfume – the contact between them would have been heavenly in any circumstances but these. She adjusted him over her lap, so that his bottom was raised over her knee. She rubbed his bottom gently, giving it a quick pinch. "Are you ready for this, you naughty, naughty boy?"

She didn't wait for an answer before she began the spanking.

Roger hissed in pain as the first smacks landed on his backside, and his mind, which had gone slightly cloudy, was suddenly crystal clear. Her hand stung like crazy.

"Stop kicking," Miss Debbie said strictly, without pausing the assault on his bottom for a single second. "If I have to hold you down, you'll regret it."

"But it hurts!" he whined.

"Spankings tend to do that," she explained calmly. "That's the point of them."

He tried his hardest to lie motionless as her hand moved from cheek to cheek, bringing a sharp pain every time they crashed down on his unprotected buttocks. Finally, when he could feel tears at the edges of his eyes, she stopped.

"Hm," she said as she poked his bottom, taking a close look at the pink flesh before her. "Yes, I think the first part of your spanking is over."

"First part?" he said. He didn't like the sound of that.

"Well, yes," she said. "You didn't think that was it, did you? I told you that you would be very red and very sorry before you were allowed to leave." She pinched his bottom, causing him to hiss in pain. "This is barely pink. We have a long way to go yet, little boy." She gave his tight a quick slap. "Now, get up and go over to that drawer. You'll find a hairbrush that I want you to bring back here."

He got to his feet, staring at her. His butt was already burning like crazy. How could she expect him to take any MORE?

She noticed his hesitation. "Let me simplify things, Roger," she said. "You only have two options here. One, you leave this house, and take your expulsion. Two, you go get that brush and get your little butt over my knee for the rest of your spanking. Those are your options, so whatever you choose, I suggest you get moving before I decide to add to your punishment."

He certainly didn't want extras, so he walked over to the drawer, gasping as he pulled out the brush. It was a large, thick brush of hard wood that looked like it would be absolute murder on his bottom. "I'm waiting," she reminded him, and with heavy heart, he handed the object to the waiting girl. She patted it against her palm, giggling as she watched him squirm. "Not looking forward to this, are you, Roger?" She smiled. "That's the point, after all." She patted her lap impatiently, and once again, he found himself over those soft thighs.

He cried out as the brush suddenly crashed down on his backside and an explosion of pain spread across his poor cheeks. He jerked around, trying to get away from the awful sting, but she had been prepared, locking his legs with her own to make sure he didn't go anywhere. One arm circled around his waist. she giggled to herself as he trashed around on her lap, trying in vain to escape the pain.

"Are you sorry you've been such a bad boy, Roger? I'd hate to do this to you again," she said, which was an obvious lie.

Finally, after what seemed like forever to the young man, he was let off her lap. He sank down to his knees, and she held his head in her lap as he cried.

"I hope you've learned your lesson," she said. "Because Miss Hartley won't hesitate to send you back here if she thinks you need it, believe me."

He believed her.

Sprites (M/FF story)

I was walking through the forest when I came across a beautiful-looking pond in the shade of some great oaks. I had been away from the Elven Court for less than a week, but appreciated the chance to wash away some of the grime collected during my travels – unlike some of the less urban druids, I had never liked to live in the forest for too long and hated looking tired. I stripped down and jumped in, but soon heard movement from the nearby bushes. At first, I felt the urge to reach for my weapons, for though we had few enemies at this time, it never paid to be too careless.

But when I heard the giggle of a sprite, I relaxed. Sprites were mischievous little pranksters who delighted in their little games, but there was little reason to pull a weapon on them, and they had no evil in their hearts.

I stepped out of the pond and put on my trousers. I wasn't going to let the little things get away with their peeking, and it's hard to lecture someone if you're not wearing anything – it's harder to take you seriously. I called to the bushes, "Hey, you! Come out of there!"

Two sprites came out of the foliage, still giggling. Sprites are young-looking beings about a foot long, with large butterfly wings and usually dressed in something that looks like a small dress woven by green leaves.

"What were you doing?" I asked.

"Watching," one of them said.

"Yeah, we were wondering if you were two elves in one!" said the other.

"Uh huh! You're so tall, we thought you had another person in there under your pretty clothes." And they giggled again, flying around each other.

"Well, I don't, so are you going to go away and let me bathe in peace?"

One of them poked her little tongue out at me, but the other nodded. "We'll let you be," she said, and they flew away.

Sprites are cute, but their giggle can cause quite the headache in a weary traveller who just wants a quiet bath and a bit of rest. I slipped out of my clothes and back into the pond, but I kept one eye open – I had gotten my victory far too easily, and I didn't trust their promises.

Sure enough, less than a minute after I got into the pond, I spotted them back in the bushes, two tiny faces in the leaves.

"Weren't you going to leave?" I asked.

"And now we're back," one of them said, not taking her eyes of me.

"If you don't listen to me, I'm going to make you listen," I warned her.

"Oh?" She said, flying closer with her hands on her hips. "How are you going to accomplish that?"

"Like this," I said, quickly reaching forward and grabbing her around the waist. She struggled as I stepped over to the side of the pond and sat down, putting her little form over my knee. I raised her dress and with one hand on her back to hold her in place, I used the other to give her bare backside a firm slap.

The little sprite kicked her legs and cried out as I started to spank her, my firm hand landing on her buttocks with a loud crack. She was screaming bloody murder, but I kept up, delivering firm smacks to her unprotected rear end. Sprites may look small and fragile, but they are a lot tougher than they look, so I wasn't too afraid of hurting her to give her what she deserved.

The other sprite, who was still giggling her head off, was staring at this new development with great interest, and even came closer to get a good look at what was happening to her friend. She seemed to greatly enjoy the sight, giggling even harder as the spanked sprite kicked her legs and yelled for me to stop. There is little loyalty in sprites when someone else is in trouble.

When I was satisfied that the sprite's buns were sufficiently red and sore, I let her up, and she flew around, intensely rubbing her cheeks. I had always found that a young lady stomping from foot to foot, trying in vain to rub the sting from her rear was an incredibly cute sight, but it was even more adorable when the naughty young lady in question had wings and was flying around in circles. The other sprite also found the sight amusing. She laughed until I grabbed her around the waist and she found herself over my lap in the exact position that her friend had just been.

I've always been amazed at the lack of foresight that sprites display. If I had caught two small elven children misbehaving, and I pulled one over my lap for a spanking, the other one would have understood that she was next and ran away while her friend was getting it. But this sprite had watched her friend's punishment with glee, and never suspected what I was going do to her once I was done. She whined as I raised her dress and patted her backside, but the whining quickly turned into squealing as I began to spank her bottom.

She kicked her legs, screamed and pleaded, but I showed her no more mercy than her friend. I watched as her cheeks slowly turned pink, then red, under my punishing hand. By then, her friend had regained some of her composure, and she was watching the spanking with some amusement, but a lot more sympathy than her friend had shown – after all, she knew exactly what she was going through.

When the little sprite was as red-bottomed and teary-faced as her friend, I let her up, and when she had finished rubbing her rear, the pair of them flew away. I continued my bath, confident that I would probably be left alone by the winged brats for some time.

But when I had finished and was about to put my clothes back on, I turned to find four other sprites at the edge of the pool, watching me with large eyes. "We talked to Bluebell and Blossom, and they showed us what happened to them," one of the sprites explained, biting her lip. "And we were... curious."

I smiled. I had a feeling I was going to wear out my hand before this day was over.

Flirting with police (M/F story)

"Hey Victor!"

Police officer Victor Reed looked up at his boss, who was standing near the radio at the centre of the station. "What is it, chief?" He responded as he made his way over to his superior.

"Shoplifter at the south side of town. I have a feeling you're the man for the job."

Victor frowned. "Isn't Boyle down there today?"

"Sure, but I had a feeling you wanted to take care of this thief yourself. You've met her before."

"You mean...."

"That's the girl, yes." His boss grinned. "Now head down there, tiger. She's waiting."

As he parked near the store, he could see her through the window. Sally Barnes, tall, blonde, and full-time brat. 27 years of age, acting like a seven-year-old. He'd known for some time that she had a thing for him – subtlety was not one of her most prominent characteristics – and he had to admit, it was mutual.

He promised the store owner that the matter would be seriously dealt with, and led Sally towards his car. "Mind telling me what that was all about?" he asked her. He knew it had nothing do to with money. Money had never been a problem for Sally.

"I wanted to get in touch with you, and I found a way," she told him, grinning.

"You could have used a phone, you know."

"Not my style. You know that, Vic."

"My name's Victor. Two syllables; should be easy enough to remember. Now, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"It's my birthday, and I haven't had my birthday spanking yet."

"And you immediately thought of me? I'm touched."

She looked over at him, studying his face. "Well?" she said after a while.

"Well, what?"

"Well, are you going to take me over my knee and spank my bottom or not? It's not going to spank itself, you know. Besides, I need to be punished for stealing, right?"

"Perhaps I should spank you. On the other hand, I could arrest you, take you to the station, and lock you up for a few days."

"You could, but only one of those options involves getting your hands on the best booty in town, so it's not really a difficult decision, is it?"

They reached the car, and Victor told her to get in. "Aren't you going to handcuff me?" Sally said, clearly disappointed.


"But I'm a dangerous criminal! I demand that you handcuff me!" she said, stomping her foot.

"Listen. You want a spanking, it'll happen on my terms, or not at all."

"Does that mean you'll do it?" she asked, her face lighting up.

"I can be convinced to do you this service, yes," he said smiling.

"Thank you," she said, giving him a hug. "This is the best birthday present ever."

Ten minutes later, he parked the car in front of her house. "Ready to go inside?"

"Nope," she told him.

He stared at her. "I thought you wanted your gift right away."

"I do. But I want it right here," she said.

"That sounds like an ultimatum. What did I tell you, missy? On my terms, or not at all."

"Come on, Vic. Victor," she corrected herself. "I want to be spanked inside a police car. I don't think I'll have a chance like this again."

He considered this for a bit, then nodded. "Okay." She giggled in anticipation as he pulled her over his lap. "Do you know why you're here, Sally? You've been a naughty girl, and I-"

"No need for the lecturing, dear. Darn right I've been naughty, now spank my evil butt!"

He landed a couple of hard slaps on the seat of her short dress. "Drop the attitude, missy, or this ends now."

"I'm sorry, Victor," she told him.

"Better." He raised her dress, not particularly surprised to find she wasn't wearing any panties underneath.

"So, do you want 28 smacks in total, or 28 to each cheek?"

"Why not make it a thousand? Each side?"

"Well, it wouldn't be a birthday spanking then, would it?"

She sighed. "Well, if you're going to be that boring, at least make it 28 on each cheek."

"As you wish."

He started spanking, with hard smacks that rang out in the air.

"You're great at this, you know? I'm considering hiring you to do this full-time."

"Why only considering?"

"Because it might be a better idea to just kidnap you and keep you in my basement. Funnier, too."

"You know, kidnapping a police officer is a serious felony."

"Is it?" she said. "I better be punished for just SUGGESTING it then."

Some time later, he lowered her dress again.

"Your birthday spanking is over now, Sally. Best wishes for the year to come and all that."

She got out of the car, and smiled at him. "Are you sure I can't invite you in? I want you to bend me over the counter and fuck me."

"Tempting, but I have to get back to work. Can I stop by when I get off work?"

"Sounds delicious. I'll keep this waiting for you." She raised her dress, flashing her crotch at him.

"Just for that, I'll buy a hairbrush before I come over."

"I can't wait," she told him.

Friday, 14 January 2022

Finishing her tan (F/F story)

Becky smiled to herself as the warm rays of the sun ran across her bikini-clad body. There were few things as wonderful as being in a chair at the side of a pool on a warm summer day.

Her bliss was interrupted by a harsh voice. "Hey Becky, I want to talk to you." She lifted her head and saw that Amanda was approaching her. Amanda was Becky's older cousin, and the owner of the pool Becky was resting near, as well as the very large house it was attached to. She was the oldest of Becky's cousins, and quite successful at whatever it was she did. She'd managed to build up a fortune, and was happy to let her cousins share in that luck by having them stay at her place as often as they'd like. Amanda usually had very reasonable expectations of her guests, but could be strict if those expectations were not met.

The older woman folded her arms in front of her as she stared down at her older cousin on the lounge chair. Like Becky, Amanda was clad in a small bikini, to get the most out of the sunlight. She had long blonde hair, and blue eyes that could be piercingly sharp when she was annoyed, like now.

"What is it, Amanda?" Becky asked. The annoyance at having her rest interrupted was clear in her voice.

"Don't speak to me in that tone," Amanda warned her. "I told you to clean up after yourself in the kitchen. It's been almost two hours, and it still looks horrible in there. I expect my guests to behave a little better than that."

"I'll get to it later," Becky replied, waving it off as if trying to get rid of a fly. "The sun's up, and I'm going to work on my tan."

"I'm going to work on my TANNING SKILLS if you don't get your butt out of that chair and into that kitchen this second," Amanda warned, her voice dangerously close to a growl now.

While thinking about this event later, Becky had come to the conclusion that the sun had cooked her brain, and that she was unable to make rational decisions at the time. Or maybe mischievous elves were sneaking words into her mouth when she wasn't looking, or something. Whatever the reason, she rolled her eyes at her cousin's threat and laid her head down on the lounge chair, uttering a dismissive "Whatever".

A brief moment later, she squealed loudly as Amanda grabbed hold of her earlobe and dragged her to her feet. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" Amanda said. Her voice was calm, but her eyes were not.

"Ow! Let go!" Becky yelled, trying to slap her hand away.

"I let you stay at my house, you spend all your time sleeping in the sun, and when I try to get you to clean up after yourself, you SASS me? Someone's begging for a blistered bottom." She sat down on the lounge chair, tipping the disoriented woman over her lap.

Finding herself in an all-too familiar position over her cousin's knees, Becky immediately tried to apologize for her actions. In her most pleading voice, she begged Amanda not to give her the hard spanking she was undoubtedly preparing. But Amanda just ignored and placed her fingers in the waistband of Becky's bikini bottoms, slowly pulling them down to her knees to reveal a pair of pale, quivering cheeks.

She gave the white orbs a few gentle taps. "Let's see if this can improve your attitude," she said as she lifted her hand. Becky hissed as the first few smacks crashed down on her unprotected posterior. Amanda didn't spank particularly hard, but she spanked fast, and after a few minutes, the sting started to build up.

"Ouch! Please, I'm sorry I was rude!" Becky squealed, kicking her legs as the heat in her bottom started to become too much to bear.

"See? Your attitude is improving already," Amanda said in a very satisfied tone of voice as she continued to spank her errant cousin. "But I'm afraid you have a long way to go yet, little girl."

As the smacks rained down on Becky's squirming butt, Amanda started to lecture her. "You've been very lazy lately, barely doing anything around here. I've let it slide, but no longer. You're either going to shape up and do something useful, or you're going to find yourself back over my thighs, staring at the ground as I paint your backside red. Is that understood?"

"Owie! Yes, ma'am, I'll be good, I promise," Becky pleaded eagerly.

"I like the sound of that, but I don't think you're quite sincere enough yet." And she delivered a particularly hard volley of spanks to Becky's sit spots that made her howl in pain, arching her back as the pain shot through her.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks as Amanda helped her to her feet. She danced around on the ground as she tried in vain to rub the sting away, as her cousin looked at her in poorly disguised mirth. The older woman stepped forward, pulling the woman's bikini bottoms back into place. "Now, go finish your work," she said with a final slap to her cheeks. Becky squealed, almost running into the house to avoid Amanda's punishing hand.

As she entered the house, Becky headed into the bathroom. Turning her back to the mirror, she looked over her shoulder to inspect the damage, and gasped as the sight. Her entire backside, from the top of her thighs to her lower back, was now a very aggressive pink, with some parts of her sit spots almost turning red. Anyone who spotted her wondering around in that bikini would be in no doubt whatsoever about what had happened to her.

She had agreed to meet her friends at the beach later that day, but grimaced at the thought of her friends seeing her bottom in this state. If they learned that she was being spanked by her cousin, they'd never stop teasing her. So, she picked up her cell phone, making a few quick phone calls to tell them that she wasn't feeling to well. She'd just finished the third call when she saw Amanda at the door, glaring angrily at her.

"I don't believe this," she said in a voice that made shivers run down Becky's back. "I gave you what I THOUGHT was a decent spanking, and sent you inside to finish cleaning up. And when I come to check up on you, what are you doing? Chatting to your friends." She shook her head. "Well, I'm done being nice, girl. This time, you're really going to get it." And she grabbed her arm, dragging the younger woman into the kitchen. Becky tried to plead with her, but it was no more effective now than the last time she had tried.

Amanda pulled out a kitchen chair, sitting down before dragging her cousin over her lap. Becky's bikini bottoms were once again pulled down to her knees, and she almost fainted when she heard Amanda comment, "Ah. There's at least ONE clean wooden spoon in this kitchen."

She whimpered to herself as a small piece of cold wood suddenly rubbed against her bare bottom, then shrieked as the first smack landed. For the next few minutes, Becky screamed herself hoarse as the wicked stings rained down on her squirming backside.

When Amanda finally put the spoon down, Becky would have promised her the world if only she didn't spank her bottom anymore.

"So, are you going to clean the kitchen now?" Amanda asked calmly.

"Yes, ma'am," Becky replied eagerly.

"Are you going to be a good girl and actually do something around here?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Good," she said as she helped Becky to her feet. "Because if I have to tell you again, I'll go get one of my belts, and I'll make absolutely sure you won't sit down for the rest of your stay here." She then surprised her cousin by grabbing her bikini bottoms, and instead of pulling them back up, she ordered the woman to step out of them.

"You'll get them back when the work is done," she explained. "Until then, you'll continue working, bare from the waist down. Believe me, you don't want to find out what happens if you put something else on."

Drying the tears from her eyes, Becky turned her attention to the washing-up.

A Brother's Help (M/f story)

Jake was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea, grimacing as he heard his sister yelling at their mother. Susan had been rude to the teacher one time too many, earning herself a detention, and their mother had decided to try to talk some sense into her. Susan, however, was not interested in any lectures, and she told her mother that. Loudly and angrily.

If this had been a year ago, or before that, Jake would have relaxed, assured by the knowledge that his mother was more than capable of handling a foul-mouthed brat getting too big for her britches. But that was no longer true. His mother had gotten sick, sapping her of most of her strength, and what she had left, was not enough to deal with Susan, or her equally bratty younger sister, Helen.

Jake knew their conversation was over when Susan informed their mother that she hated her, before running into her room, slamming the door. Shortly afterwards, Olivia entered the kitchen, tears appearing in her eyes. Jake helped his mother into a chair, preparing a cup of tea for her. It pained him to see her like this; weak, sick, a shadow of the joyous, outgoing woman that had raised him.

"I don't know what to do with them," Olivia said. She was crying silently. "They're just not listening."

"You know as well as I do what they need, mum. A good thrashing would fix most of the problems in this house."

"I know that, but I don't have the strength anymore. I just... I just don't know what to do."

"I'll do it," Jake said calmly.

"What?" Olivia replied, confused.

"I'll spank them for you. I'll thrash the living daylights out of them the next time those two decide to be rude to you, I can promise you that."

Olivia placed her hand on his. "I can't ask that of you, Jake. You've done more than enough already. Coming home from college just to help around the house, helping with the bills..."

"But that's the problem. I shouldn't HAVE to come here to help you around the house. You've got two able-bodied teenagers wasting their time at the mall, not doing anything they don't feel like doing. They should be helping you. They OWE you that. And you certainly don't deserve the abuse they hurl at you. Mark my words, you'll be seeing an improvement in their behaviour pretty soon." He rose to his feet.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to have a chat with Susan," he told her. "Show her what happens when she calls you a..." He looked up, as if trying to recall something. "What was it? A 'stupid, lazy bitch', I think it was." He looked at her. "With your blessing?"

Olivia raised her cup, nodding towards him. "Give her what she deserves, Jake. No more."

"And no less," Jake said.

Susan was lying on her bed, listening to her music loudly with her eyes closed. Suddenly, the music stopped, and she looked up to see her brother standing there, glaring down at her. She'd never seen him as angry as this, and a small voice at the back of her head told her to be careful.

Well, she'd never listened to that voice before, so why start now? "Hey! Haven't you heard of knocking?" she yelled.

"I DID knock. You just couldn't hear it because of the music."

"Well, what do you want?"

"I want you to go apologize to mum. Right now."

"For what?"

"For what? Let's see," he said, counting on his fingers. "Being rude to her. Not helping around the house. Behaving like a brat at school, earning yourself detention. Should I continue?"

"I'm not apologizing to that cow."

"Susan, you don't really seem to grasp the gravity of the situation, so let me make it quite clear. There's two ways this can go. One, you go out and apologize to our mother for being a brat. She forgives you, and you stop misbehaving."

"Not bloody likely," Susan scoffed.

"The other thing that can happen, is that I put you over my knee and show you what happens when you're being a brat. Afterwards, when your butt is sore and you're crying your eyes out, you'll go out and apologize. So what will it be?"

There was silence for a few seconds. "You'd SPANK me?" She shook her head. "You wouldn't dare."

Jake sat down on the bed, and Susan realized her mistake when his hands closed around her wrists. It took little effort on his part to pull her over his knee, even though she tried to struggle free. "We'll see if we can't change that tune," he said, starting to spank the seat of her jeans.

"Hey! You can't spank me!" she yelled.

"Can't I? I seem to be doing quite well, in my eyes."

Susan tried to struggle free, but in vain. "Ow! Let me up!"

"When I'm convinced you've learned your lesson, Susan, you'll be allowed to go apologize to mum." He grabbed her jeans, pulling them down to her knees. She was wearing a green thong that would provide very little protection against his hand, but he decided to lower it anyway. Placing his hand on her bare cheeks, he added: "Unfortunately for you, I don't think that will be any time soon, so if I were you, I'd think about how I'd improve my behaviour in the future to avoid ending up like this again." He started spanking her again.

Susan cried out, shocked at how much more it hurt without her clothes for protection. She couldn't fight him, and she didn't think pleading would do any good, so crying was the only option left. And cry she did; loud sobs shook her body as her bottom rapidly turned red.

After what seemed like an eternity to the sore-bottomed teen, Jake helped her to her feet.

"I'm giving you a few minutes to calm down," he said. "But if you haven't apologized to mum ten minutes from now, I'm coming back in here and taking my belt off. Trust me, you don't want that to happen."

Five minutes later, a teary-eyed Susan was giving her mother the most heartfelt apology she'd delivered in years, and Olivia, touched by her daughter's sincerity, forgave her.

Later that evening, Jake was lying in bed, reading a book, when there was a knock on the door. Susan entered, dressed in her pyjamas, a little teary-eyed. "Jake?" she said, her voice revealing she was close to breaking down in tears.


"Do... uhm... do... that is..."

He waited. Whatever she was about to say, it wasn't easy for her.

"Do you hate me?"

"What?" he said confused. "Of course not. Why would you think so?"

"Uhm... well, you know you put me over your knee earlier?"

"I haven't forgotten. That makes you think I hate you? Mum spanked us for YEARS, and that was out of love. Why would this be different?"

"Well... when mum spanked us, she always hugged us and told us we were forgiven..."

Jake could have punched himself. It was such a basic mistake that he couldn't believe he'd made it. He opened his arms, and Susan ran forward, sitting on his lap as he hugged her.

He had no idea how long they sat there, but he suddenly noticed that she'd fallen asleep with her head against his shoulder. He chuckled, then carried her back to her room, making sure he placed her on her stomach.

Well, he thought to himself, now he knew what mistake NOT to make when the time came to give Helen HER spanking.

Good Morning (M/F story)

The first words that Molly heard that morning certainly opened her eyes.

"Go and get the hairbrush. You're getting a spanking." She stared wide-eyed at her boyfriend as she sat up in the bed. Peter was lying next to her, a big grin on his face.

"What did I do?" she whimpered, trying to think of something – anything! – she had done.

Peter smiled. The whole 'spanking relationship' was still new to her. "Absolutely nothing," he told her. "I'm going to bare your cute little behind and spank it bright red because I want to."

"Is that all?" she asked him.

"Of course not," he responded. "I'm also going to spank you because YOU want it – and you do, don't bother denying it." He leaned forward, giving her a passionate kiss. "We're responsible adults and can do whatever we want in our own bedroom. Right now, we're going to do this."

She still stared wide-eyed at him.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't want me to spank you." She blushed, unable to meet his gaze. He gave her butt a quick swat. "Go get the brush, darling." She squealed, and jumped to her feet.

Peter leaned back in the bed, watching her pert behind wiggle as she went over to the dresser where he'd placed the implements. Molly had never been in a relationship where she could explore her secret spanking kink before, and had conditioned herself to act vanilla. He had to introduce her to the various parts of their shared kink, one by one. And he loved every second of it.

She held out the brush to him, eyeing the object in her hand with a mixture of fear and arousal. He thought that the love-hate relationship between a spankee and their implement was a wonderful thing to see. Even more so when the latter was brought down repeatedly on the former's derrière.

He sat up, and she lowered herself over his lap, grinning a little as she felt his erection pressing against her stomach. She found it a little comforting to feel just how much he was enjoying this.

He lowered her panties, rubbing the brush against her pale, quivering cheeks. "In a little more than an hour, you're going to leave this house to go to work. Before you do, I'm going to make sure that you think of me every time you sit down. The sting will remind you of me, how much you love me..." He brought the brush down with a hard smack. "… And how much I love you."

Molly let out a deep moan as Peter continued the spanking, which changed to a groan as he started on her sit spots. She knew it wasn't sensible to feel like she felt, to enjoy pain and shame like this. She knew she was abnormal. And she knew Peter, wonderful Peter, loved her even more for it.

The cheeks in front of him changed from white to pink, and they were red before Peter told Molly to get to her feet.

"Get dressed. I'll get started on breakfast," he said as he gave her a quick kiss, and a squeeze to her bottom.

Sunday, 9 January 2022

The Thieves' Guild (M/F story)

Isabel Blackthorne looked up from her desk as her assistant Samantha knocked on the door. "Michael is here to see you, ma'am. He says that you sent for him?"

Isabel nodded. "I did. Just send him in."

Michael bowed courteously as he entered the room, and she indicated the chair opposite her desk. He was a handsome man with dark hair and green eyes, and was wearing an utterly unremarkable grey tunic. But then again, he never wore anything that was worthy of remark. As leader of the Guild of the Night, Isabel had many competent people at her command, but Michael was special. He could gather information better than anyone, and had a gift for avoiding attention when it was needed – she'd seen him slip past guards more than once by acting like he had every right to be there, without a word ever passing his lips. When she needed a job done quickly, efficiently, and secretly, she knew exactly who to summon.

He sat with a face that looked completely devoid of emotion as he waited for her to tell him why she had summoned him.

"So, how are things working out with your new student?" Isabel asked him.

"Sylvia is young, and very inexperienced," he told her. "She makes a lot of mistakes, and often talks before she thinks, but she is eager to learn, and we are making progress. I think she'll be a fine agent one day."

"I've been told that you often have to punish her," Isabel said. "And that you use... old-fashioned methods."

"You mean I spank her," Michael said. "The old ways are sometimes the best, and it has had a wonderful effect on her behaviour. Her promises to do better always sound a bit more sincere while she's nursing a sore bottom."

"You are aware that she's an adult?" Isabel said, raising an eyebrow.

"She's told me that many times – every single time I pull her trousers down and put her across my knee, in fact. But as long as I am her teacher, I will decide how to punish her. Unless, of course, you disapprove?"

She shook her head. "If it works, it works. Anyway, that's not the only reason I wanted to talk to you. Some of our information almost ended up in the wrong hands."

"A spy?" he asked calmly.

"I don't think so. Just a bit of clumsiness, as far as I can tell. I had a meeting with some of the new girls down near the docks recently, and someone left some notes behind when they left. The town guards were in the area afterwards, and they managed to find them – they'd fallen on the floor, I think. I want you to head over to the Watchmen's barracks and pick up the notes. Then, I want you to try to find out who left them behind, and punish her."

"Punish?" Michael said for clarification.

She shrugged. "You seem so fond of your.... old-fashioned methods. You have my permission to employ them on the guilty girl. Give her a good spanking, on the bare bottom. Is that clear enough for you?"


The next day, Isabel was busy in meetings all day, so it was late afternoon before she could summon Michael again. He entered her office with the papers under his arm, and his usual unreadable expression.

"Did you have any trouble with the guards?" she asked.

"None whatsoever," he replied. "No one looked at me twice."

"So, have you had any luck figuring out who left the notes behind?" she asked.

"The lady in question was kind enough to write her name on them." He placed the paper on her desk, and Isabel turned it over. She blushed as she saw her own name, in her own handwriting, and when she looked at Michael, his normally blank face was displaying a wide grin. "The guild leader herself. Who would have thought?"

"Oh lord," Isabel said as she placed her palm in front of her mouth.

"Now," he said, "I have orders from the guild leader herself to place you across my knee and give you a – what were her exact words?  A good spanking, on the bare bottom? That was it." There was a twinkle in his eye, and it was clear that he found the situation immensely entertaining. "But given the circumstances, I believe I'm going to let you off, just this once."

For a long time, Isabel sat there in silence, until she finally met his gaze. "That's very kind of you, Michael, but no."

"No?" Michael echoed, raising an eyebrow. The grin was replaced with his usual blank slate.

"This oversight, this SLOPPINESS," she said, indicating the papers on the desk, "is a major breach of the rules of the Guild, of the care and attention we pay to every part of our operations. Anyone committing such an infraction deserves to be punished." She sighed. "Anyone. No exceptions."

"And you think a spanking is the best way to punish a forgetful guild leader?" he asked.

She winced. "I'll admit, I'd have probably chosen some other punishment if I'd known my own bottom could be in danger, but I don't see why not. I deserve it." She looked deep into his eyes. "And know this – if I have to be punished, I'm glad you are the one carrying it out."

"I'm flattered."

"So," she said as she rose to her feet, straightening out her black tunic. "How do we proceed?"

The Woodshed (M/FFF story)

When Ann invited me to spend the summer with her and her siblings at her brother's house, I was overjoyed. I'd met her older brother David and her younger sister Susan before, and got along well with them both. And I'd heard tales about the house – a few years back, David had purchased an old   house near the woods, about twenty minutes by car out of town.

My parents were going on a vacation soon, and I didn't want to go with them, but I also didn't like the idea of spending weeks alone. The freedom would be lovely, but I've always found empty houses a bit unsettling. So the joy must have been apparent on my face when I accepted Ann's offer.

Ann had just gotten her license, so she picked me up and drove me out to the house. She took the opportunity to once again remind me to behave while I was there – David might be lovely when he's in a good mood, but he could be quite strict if he had to. I rolled my eyes, but told her I'd behave. Please, what was the worst he could do?

We were soon at the house, and I discovered that it was even more beautiful than I'd imagined. My part of town was all concrete and block houses, and to see a quaint old wooden house against the woods was something else. I even spotted a large woodshed at the back of the house.

When I entered the house, I was greeted by David and Susan. Susan was young and perky, and had her long red hair tied back in a ponytail. David was tall and handsome, and his hair was getting long. He smiled as he shook my hand, and carried my suitcase to my room after telling Susan to show me around. After the guided tour, which was very short, David sat down with me and went over the rules of the place. I have to admit, I was only half listening. I was still giddy with the rustic charm of the place, and David had very dreamy eyes.

A few days later, I was walking in the woods near the house when I heard what sounded like angry lecturing. As I moved closer to the house, I saw David walking across the lawn, one hand firmly around Ann's wrist as he dragged her behind him. Ann looked incredibly scared as she went, and she promised him again and again that she would never smoke again. I stared wide-eyed as he dragged her into the woodshed.

I knew that Ann smoked, and I also knew that her brother was not happy about it. She'd told me once that if he ever caught her smoking at his house, he'd take her to the woodshed, but I'd assumed at the time that she meant it metaphorically. She was an adult, for crying out loud! He wasn't planning on spanking her at that age, was he?

A few seconds later, I heard the sound of leather whistling through the air, followed by a high-pitched squeal. I moved closer to the shed, listening as the sound of hard leather striking something soft was drowned out by squeals, sobs, and promises to be good. The door was open, and when I looked inside, I saw David standing there with his foot on a low stool and his sister over his knee. Her skirt had been raised and her knickers lowered, and she screamed as he lifted an old leather strap, swinging it hard at her bottom as if he was trying to break it. I think I must have gasped, because he suddenly stopped the strapping and looked at me.

"Hello, Jessica." There was little of his usual friendliness in his face right now. When she heard I was watching Ann squealed again and tried to stand up, but David easily held her down.

"What's going on?" I said. I wasn't entirely sure why I asked – I think I wanted confirmation that I wasn't experiencing some sort of hallucination.

"I caught this little brat smoking earlier, and I'm reminding her that it's not allowed," he said calmly. He tapped the strap lightly against her sore cheeks. "Are you going to smoke again, Ann?"

"No, sir, never, I'll be good," she babbled. I think that she would have said anything if it meant an end to her punishment.

"See?" he said to me. "It's already having an effect. A few minutes more, and I think the lesson will really sink in." A thought seemed to strike him, and he told me: "Ordinarily, I ask the girls to show each other some privacy – when one's getting a strapping, anyone who peeks will get the same punishment. But you're new, so I'll cut you some slack. Just pop along."

I think he expected me to feel relieved, but I felt a cold shiver running down my back and a tingle in my bottom. Did that mean that he expected me to submit to the same punishment as his sisters? But I was a guest! And far too old for that sort of thing. And I was going to tell him that, but later, when he wasn't holding a strap and showing every intention of using it.

I left, but Ann's haunting screams followed me as I made my way back to the house. Susan was sitting in the garden, smiling as she listened to her sister's punishment. "She's getting it good," she told me with a grin.

"Does this happen often?" I asked her.

"Not as often as it should," she told me. "I must have gotten two strappings for every one of hers, even though I'm such an angel," she told me. I almost laughed; there were many words that could describe Susan, but "Angel" was not on the list.

After what seemed like hours to me, and probably felt even longer to Ann, the two emerged from the shed. Ann was walking gingerly, still drying her tears, while David held his arm around her shoulders, whispering comforting words to her. I helped Ann to her room, where she pulled out a jar of cream, and I spent a few minutes rubbing some soothing lotion into her bruised bottom. Her bottom was fiery red, and I suspected that she wouldn't sit comfortably for days. I thought about my own backside ending up in such a state, and decided that, guest or not, I was going to try to behave while I stayed here.

The next day, I emerged from another one of my forest walks to the sound of strapping. The squeals that accompanied it were far more high-pitched, and I guessed that it was Susan's turn to visit the woodshed. When I got back to the house, Ann told me that Susan had used some foul language in front of her brother, and he was reminding her not to use those words. There was a glee in her voice, and I realized that she derived as much pleasure from her sister's punishments as her sister did from hers.

As I listened to the whistling of that awful strap, and to Susan's blood-curdling screams, I promised myself that whatever happened, I would not find myself in that woodshed.

Less than a day later, I found myself being dragged across the lawn by a very angry David.

The night before, Ann and I had decided to open a few beers. We were old enough to drink, but he'd warned us not to get drunk. Ann had retired, but I had told her I'd finish my beer before going to bed. With a few drinks behind me, I spotted David's liquor cabinet, and a golden bottle that looked quite tasty. The sounds of the strappings were still in the back of my mind, but the beer had pushed them way back, and that bottle looked delicious. I opened it and had a drink, followed by a few more, and I don't remember much more than that.

The next morning, I was woken up by an angry shout. As I made my way to the living room, I discovered what I'd left behind. What was left of the bottle was now spilled all over the floor. In addition, a few chairs had fallen over and probably damaged. I seemed to have made quite a mess of the room in my drunken state.

David looked at the three of us. "Who did this?"

Susan looked over at Ann, who looked back at her. After a second or two, they both turned towards me, staring wide-eyed. My pale complexion told them everything they needed to know. "Care to explain yourself?" David asked as he marched towards me. Ann stepped between us, telling him something about how I was a guest, and it was just a small mistake, but he gently pushed her aside. The look on his face told me that there was little I could say to make the situation better for me.

He turned towards his sisters. "Could the two of you please clean up a bit? I'm afraid I'm going to have to have a little talk with little Jessica." I hated it when someone called me 'little', but I had a feeling that this wasn't the time to voice those objections. The two nodded, and he turned towards me with a look on his face that made me take a step back, both hands protectively clasping my bottom. He stepped forward and grabbed my wrist, and with a hard smack to my backside, he told me to move.

Being dragged towards the woodshed felt almost surreal. Here I was, on the verge of adulthood, about to be dragged into a shed and spanked by my best friend's brother. I tried to tell him how sorry I was, but he replied: "You're going to be even sorrier in a few minutes."

He dragged me into the woodshed, where he finally let go of my wrist. I rubbed it gingerly, and for a brief moment, I pondered running away. I quickly decided against it – David looked like he could run much faster than I was, and trying to escape probably wouldn't lessen my punishment.

"You can't do this," I said, trying to sound authoritative. It didn't work.

"Give me one good reason why I can't," he replied as he picked up the strap hanging on the wall. It was a large, heavy, vicious-looking leather implement that looked like it stung like hell.

"I'm a guest here," I told him.

"When I invite you into my house, I expect you to behave yourself or suffer the consequences," he replied. "Are you proud of the way you have acted?"

I had to admit I wasn't. "But I'm really sorry," I told him. "I won't do it again!"

"I'm glad to hear it," he said. "And soon you'll have a burning bottom to remind you to keep your promise."

"But-" I started, but he cut me off.

"No. No more talk. If you can't act like an adult, you can at least take your punishment like a big girl." Like he had done with Ann, he placed his foot on the low stool and pulled me across his leg. My legs were off the ground, and once he wrapped his arm around my waist, there was nothing I could do to escape. He grabbed the hem of my skirt and raised it to my back, and for a moment, I thought he was going to leave my knickers in place. Considering my situation, it wasn't much, but it was at least something. But when he grabbed the waistband of my thin knickers, I began to protest.  "Please, can't I keep them on?"

"Any proper spanking is delivered on the bare," he told me as he lowered them to my knees, depriving me of my last defence. And I heard him lift the strap.

I'd now heard the whistle of that awful thing during two long strappings. I'd seen the effect it had on Ann, and the aftermath of her punishment. I'd seen Susan enter the house, head low as she tried to rub the sting out of her tail. But none of that had prepared me for the terrible sting that suddenly burned into my bottom. I tried to wriggle my way free, but David held me in place. "Save your energy," he told me. "You have a long strapping ahead of you, so you might need it."

The hard leather of the strap bit into my bottom as he continued to lay it on me, and I grabbed hold of his leg. I was sobbing and pleading loudly, my backside felt like it was on fire, and I think I almost fainted as the strap painted my backside red. Again and again, there was that awful sound of the strap, followed by a pain too horrible to describe. I became vaguely aware of the fact that I was screaming my head off.

After what felt like a torturous eternity across his knee, with the pain of the strap the only thing I was aware of, he finally put it down. He helped me up, and I cried into his shirt as he gently rubbed my back, telling me that I had been very brave, and the punishment was over now.

After a while, he led me back to the house, where Ann applied some cooling lotion to my burning bottom. Once again, I swore to myself that I would never find myself in that shed again. And this time, I would make sure I kept my promise.

Caught at Home (F/f story)

I peeked around the corner before entering the living room. Even though I knew that both my parents and my sister were at work, there was still part of me that was afraid they'd catch me. But of course, the living room was empty, as was the rest of the house.

I was supposed to be at school, of course, but didn't really feel like a double maths lesson today. Miss Daniels rarely bothered with the register, so there was a really good chance she'd wouldn't even notice that I was gone. And even if she did, she had decided that I was one of the good girls, so I could probably just tell her that I was feeling a bit queasy that morning, and decided to head home and lie down for a bit. And since I was planning on spending that afternoon on the sofa and watching television, it was even sort of true.

About half an hour later, I was sitting in front of the TV, giggling, when I heard a strict voice: "Katie, what are you doing here?"

I jumped a bit, and suddenly noticed that my sister was standing on the other side of the room, examining me critically. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach as I realized that I was busted. "H-hi, Emily. Home early today?"

"There was less work at the retirement home than usual, so one of us got to go home early. I was the lucky one, today. But don't change the subject. Why aren't you at school?"

"Uh... Planning day," I said, trying to sound sincere. "Yep, school's closed today."

"...So you decided to dress in your uniform to watch television?"

"Uhm..." I wasn't really prepared for that question.

She folded her arms in front of her, glaring at me. "Katherine Summers, you are about to dig yourself into a fairly big hole right now, so for your sake, you'd better start telling the truth. Are you skipping school?"

"Just a few lessons, honest!" I said, trying my best to look sorry for my misdeeds.

"You know," she said, grinning like a house cat staring at a cornered mouse. "I should probably tell mum and dad about it, and see how they handle it." I squirmed. We both knew exactly how they would handle it. If I was lucky, I would find myself over my mother's lap, squealing and sobbing under the onslaught of her wicked hairbrush. If I was unlucky, it would be my father's belt. Either way, I wouldn't be sitting down to watch television any time soon.

"Please, Emily, don't tell them. I'll do anything!"

"Oh?" She said, her grin growing wider. "Anything?" I knew that this was payback. Usually, she might have let me go with a disappointed shake of her head, but a couple of weeks earlier, I'd told mum about the pack of cigarettes she kept in her drawer. Our parents did not allow smoking in the house. After she'd gotten her bare bottom blistered with the hairbrush, she'd thrown me a look that told me quite clearly that she was going to have her revenge.

"How about this, I'll punish you myself, and then I will make sure that this little matter remains between the two of us. How does that sound?"

"Punish?" I asked. I had a very bad feeling about this.

"With a spanking, of course. A good, long, hard spanking, with your skirt raised and your panties lowered." She smiled at the mental image. I didn't.

"You can't spank me!" I protested.

She shrugged. "Fine. Then mum and dad can do it instead. I'm sure you'd prefer mum's hairbrush to my hand, right?"

I squirmed in my seat again. "Just your hand?"

"Just my hand," she said, nodding.

"And you won't tell anyone about this?"

"Not a soul," she said, her voice full of sadistic joy as she realized that I was going to take her deal.

I bit my lip, but in the end, I looked up at her and nodded. I rose to my feet, and she sat down on the sofa, smoothing her skirt. I was about to lean forward and place myself over her lap, but she held me back. "Oh, no. There is something you have to do first."

"What?" I said, confused.

"Ask me to spank you."

I opened my mouth to protest, but the look in her eyes told me it was not up for negotiation. Sometimes, when we'd been particularly bad, mum or dad would ask us to stand up, admit our misdeeds, and ask us for a spanking. They said it built character and made us take responsibility for our actions, or something like that. I didn't know if I believed them, but I certainly knew that the only reason why Emily did it was to watch me squirm.

I placed my hands behind my back and held my head high, like we were always instructed to do. "I am sorry that I skipped school today, Emily. I have been a bad girl. Please give me a good spanking on my bare bottom." I shivered a little – I hated this ritual.

"Why, certainly, Katie. What a lovely request!" Gently, but firmly, she guided me over her lap. Ny head and legs were down, making my bottom the highest point of my body, and once she was satisfied, she started to raise my skirt. "Imagine if your little friends could see you now, Katie. Over my lap, your backside in the air, about to be spanked like a bad little girl. Oh, how they would laugh."

I wanted to point out that less than a month ago, she'd been in this same position over our mother's lap, but I had a feeling that reminding her of that time I got her in trouble would be a bad idea at this point.

I had known it was coming, but it was still incredibly embarrassing when she placed her fingers in the waistband of my panties. She took her time, enjoying every second as she slowly peeled them down to my knees. With my bare cheeks on display, she started to rub my bottom, gently pinching it.

"You've been a bad girl, Katie," she said in a voice that tried its hardest to sound stern. "And now, you're going to pay for it."

I wasn't expecting any mercy from my older sister, but when she raised her hand and started to spank me, the pain spreading through my bottom made me gasp. I would never have imagined that her palm could sting like this! In my shock, I tried to stand up, but she placed her hand in the small of my back and pushed me back down. "Oh, no, little girl, you're not going anywhere until I'm done with you." There was clear air of satisfaction in her voice as she watched me squirm over her lap.

I had made the decision to take my punishment in stoic silence, but all that went out the window as soon as the spanking started. I gasped loudly as her firm, steel-like palm crashed down on my unprotected rear end, and I was soon kicking my legs, pleading for mercy. When I almost fell off her lap, she wrapped her leg around mine, leaving me trapped as she continued the spanking.

"Is the little cry-baby going to be a good little girl from now on?" she asked me.

"Ow! Yes, I'll be good, I promise!"

"Say it! Say, 'Cry-baby is going to be a good little girl.'"

This was so humiliating, but when I hesitated, she aimed a hard volley of spanks to my sit spots, causing me to shriek in pain. "Cry-baby is going to be a good little girl!" I yelled.

By the time I was allowed to stand, my bottom was bright red. Emily giggled as I danced from foot to foot, trying to rub the sting away, and I had a new respect for hand-spankings.

"Now, behave like a good little girl, or you're going to find yourself back over my knee, do you understand?"

"Yes, Emily." Anything to avoid a spanking like that!

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Dare (M/F story)

It was one of those ideas that only seem good when you're drunk. I was out with a couple of friends, drinking and having fun, when somehow, our night out turned into a game of dare. One after the other, all of us would get a dare, and then perform it. Each dare was more humiliating than the last, until at last, Beth dared me to take off all my clothes and go into the men's room.

In sober condition, I would never agree. But I was drunk, and would have done pretty much anything.

As I stood outside the men's room however, I sobered up quickly. I had taken off all my clothes and handed them to Beth, so that I could find them afterwards. The cool night breeze was blowing in places it normally never reached, and I was more nervous than I had ever been in my life. But with the judging eyes of my friends upon me, I had no choice. I had accepted the dare, so I might as well just get it over with.

I opened the door slightly, peeking in. Luckily, no one was there. We had decided that I would march slowly over to the wall on the other side, march back, and then leave. I did so, with considerable shaking. All of the girls were standing just outside, holding the door open and peeking in to make sure I did as I was supposed to.

But when I reached the opposite wall, and turned around to march out, I heard the sound of a door closing and a giggling that was growing more distant. I was shocked, and even more so when the door began to open. Someone had come, and all of my friends had left me.

In through the door walked a tall young man. He seemed to be in his late twenties, a few years older than me. He saw me standing with my back to the wall, my hands in front of my chest and groin as I tried my hardest to blend into the background. His eyes widened, before he lowered his gaze; my body language clearly told him I didn't want to be looked at.

He walked to the sink, pouring water unto a stain on his shirt. He grabbed a couple of paper towels and dried it off. All the while, I stood unmoving, too embarrassed to stay and too embarrassed to move at the same time. When the man was satisfied that the stain was more or less gone, he took off his leather jacket. Without looking at me, he handed it to me. "You look like you need it," was all he said.

I put it on quickly. Luckily, it had been a little long on him, so it covered my backside completely. I studied myself in the mirror. Hopefully, no one would realize that I was nude under it.

"Thanks," I said to my saviour. I realized how pathetic that sounded, but I didn't know what to say. What do you say to a man that has found you nude in the men's room? "My name's Julie," I added finally, mostly just to say something.

"I'm Will. You should leave now," he suggested. He added, "Do you want me to follow you home?"

I quickly considered. I wasn't one for showing strange men where I lived, but a man that finds a naked woman in a men's room and not only looks away, but hands her clothes, is either a gentleman or gay. Either way, I was safe.

Plus, he wasn't bad to look at either. My saviour was a tall, handsome man, with short blond hair and piercing blue eyes. He was dressed in a tight pair of jeans and a black shirt, and under normal circumstances I would be flirting wildly. These circumstances were everything but normal, however, so all I did was accept his offer. Luckily, no one else entered.

As we were walking along, I told him about the drunken game, about the final dare and about my friends running away when they heard him coming. This act of betrayal seemed to upset him.

"Running away from a friend like that. I wouldn't call those girls friends, Julie. Just tell me who they are, and I'll pull them over my knee and give them a lesson in friendship on their bare bottoms."

I pictured my friends, over the lap of the tall man walking beside me, getting their bottoms warmed for their betrayal. It was a strange image, and I started giggling. "That would serve them right," I agreed. I walked in silence, the images of my mind changing. Suddenly, I wasn't picturing Beth over a lap getting her bottom smacked, but myself. And instead of the righteous glee from before, I was feeling aroused. I glanced over at Will's hands. They were large, and looked like they could deliver a good wallop. I didn't know why the idea of receiving a spanking from this man sounded so appealing, but it did.

I cleared my throat, not knowing what to say. "You know, they didn't force me into that room. I decided to go along with the dare. I could have refused. So if you need to punish someone…"

"So you are just as guilty as they are?" he suggested. "You deserve a spanking as well?" From his tone of voice, it was clear that he had read my mind; this wasn't something I deserved, this was something I wanted.

I just nodded. The rest of the walk, there was silence.

When we arrived at my house, I invited him in. I asked him if he wanted anything to drink, but he declined. "I'll just slip into something," I said, smiling nervously.

"No need for that yet. We still have your punishment to take care of." He smiled reassuringly. He stretched out his hand. I took off his jacket and handed it to him.

I was now staring naked in front of him again, but this time I wasn't covering myself. I had thought about the coming spanking all the way home, and I wanted it more than ever. I also wanted him inside me.

He hung his jacket up in the hall, before sitting down on the couch. He reached out his hand to me, and I took it. Slowly, as if to savour the moment, he guided me over his lap. I wiggled back and forward, trying to get comfortable; I could tell by his erection that he wanted me as much as I wanted him. My eager friend then started the spanking.

The smacks were slow, and not very hard. I laid down, enjoying the feeling of his hand against my skin. Soon, he started spanking more eagerly.

The smacks started to sting, but he spanked slowly, rubbing my bottom between every slap. The heat started to build, and soon, I was kicking my legs with every stroke, but I didn't care; I was in heaven. His hand rose and fell, bringing with them a crisp smack and a sharp sting.

I was gasping and moaning, and he stopped, asking me with concern in his voice whether I was OK. All I managed to reply was, "Don't stop! Please! Don't stop!"

He kept on spanking, moving his hand slowly from one cheek to the other, rubbing and pinching my bottom between. I was moaning loudly, the itching between my legs rising with the heat in my rear. I was moaning more and more loudly, and suddenly, I was sitting on my spanker's lap, kissing him passionately. He responded quickly, helping me to my feet and standing up while our lips were still locked.

We moved towards my bedroom, all the while removing his clothing. By the time we reached the bed, he was as nude as me.

The next morning, I stood in front of the mirror, looking at my bottom. It was deep red, and sore to the touch. I knew I wouldn't sit comfortably for days. With a smile, I looked over at the still-sleeping man on the bed. I had found a man that covered a need I didn't even know that I had. Almost made me forgive my treacherous friends and give up all plans for revenge.


Summoning (F/m story)

Aquilla grinned to himself as he finished the circle. He put the bag of sulphur down on the small table and examined his handiwork.

As far as he could tell, it was a perfect summoning circle. Good. When it came to summoning, "almost perfect" was the same as "absolutely useless". Being alone in a room with a powerful creature you couldn't control was not advisable, especially one you had torn from its home to subject to your will.

He knew there was risk involved, of course. There always was. Power never came free, but that didn't mean the risk wasn't worth it. Mostly because he'd show Lucinda who was the better sorcerer. Lucinda was one of the other mages at the academy, a year older, and she was not one of Aquilla's closer friends.

He looked over the circle again, trying to spot a weakness. There was no point in putting it off any longer. Either he had to wash away the circle again, or light it and try the summoning. He lit it.

At first, nothing happened, and Aquilla was wondering if he'd messed it up in some way. Then, suddenly, a dark cloud appeared, forcing him to cover his mouth and nose. For some time, he stood there, bending over and coughing, unaware of what was happening around him. When he regained his senses, he noticed that he wasn't alone in the room anymore.

A tall, beautiful woman was standing in the middle of the circle, examining her surroundings with an annoyed look on her face. She looked more human than he had anticipated; was there something wrong with the spell? Had he pulled some unsuspecting noble from her home?

She noticed him, and as he saw her eyes, he realized that she was no human after all. There was something in them, otherworldly and different. She was the real deal. A powerful demon, standing here in his room, ready to do his bidding.

He hoped.

"So, you're the summoner, then," she said. As far as he could tell, her voice was human. He still kept his guard up; sometimes, they weaved spells of enchantment into every sentence. She looked around in his room. "I was expecting a bit more, to be honest."

"Heed my words, oh demon. I am Aquilla, mighty -"

"Are we at the Academy? Fairwater Academy? It's been a while since I've been here. A few years back, every little child with a wand would try to summon you and use your powers, but now, it's only the thicker ones."

Aquilla was unsure of what to do. He had to admit, he was expecting a bit more respect from her than this – or at least open hostility and anger. This joking attitude was a shock.

"I am not a child," he told her. "I am an adult, one of the older students."

"But you don't act like it, do you?" She said, smiling. "An adult wouldn't draw up a summoning circle in his room, would he? He'd choose the summoning rooms, or the lower halls, rooms DESIGNED for the purpose."

"Too public," he told her. "I'd like to keep this quiet." He knew he shouldn't be telling her these things. Withholding information from demons was a basic rule of summoning. It made it harder for them to track you down after you forced them to do your bidding. But he couldn't help himself.

"And you don't think they're going to notice the giant circle burned into the floor? Are you counting on them being blind?" She sniffed into the air. "And completely lacking any sense of smell? A bold plan, certainly, but not wise. Anyway," she continued, "An adult wouldn't tell a summoned demon his name, Aquilla. 'Names are tags, and tags help them find you', isn't that what they tell you here? Those are the mistakes of children, Aquilla. You may look like you're on the verge of adulthood, but your head is still not quite there."

Aquilla realized that he wasn't quite as in charge of the situation as he had hoped to be.

"Besides, only a child would botch up a summoning circle as badly as this."

Aquilla scowled at her. He'd been proud of the circle. It was one of his better. "I don't see anything wrong with it."

"There's no rune of willpower," she told him. A cold shiver ran down his back as he realized that the missing rune was the one that would control the demon. A large, powerful demonic entity was standing in his room, and he had no way of controlling her. He looked up in shock, and the demon grinned. "And finally, the penny drops." She stepped out of the circle and started walking towards him.

He backed away, grasping at the protective charms around his neck. "Back, foul creature, I beseech thee! You shall not have my life!"

"Aw, isn't that adorable?" she said, grabbing his arm. "Rest assured, I'm not after your life. I'm just going to teach you what happens when you pull demons from their rest." She sat down on his bed, pulling him over her knee.

Aquilla was paralysed with shock as she pulled his robe up. What was going on? As she pulled his underwear down, giving his now naked rear end a few firm smacks, he found all his questions answered. He was being spanked. By a demon.

"Hey!" he called out. "Ouch! You can't do this!"

"'Can't'? Brave words coming from a brat magician who can't even draw a proper circle," she told him, planting a series of hard smacks on his sit spots. "I can do far worse than this, I tell you. If I wanted to, I could pull you into my domain, torturing you for decades, leaving you a shell of your former self. A bit worse than a small spanking, no?" He shuddered at the prospect. "Luckily for you and your cute little tushy, I'm not going to do that. A childish punishment for a bratty child, isn't that more fitting?"

Aquilla wanted to protest, but howled in pain instead as the stinging slaps rained down on his poor, unprotected rear end. "Ow, please, I'll do anything, just let me up!"

"Still haven't quite figured out that you're not in charge?" the demon giggled. "If I wanted something from you – anything, really – I'd already have it. The only thing I want from you, is your bratty little butt, over my knee, getting some much-needed attention, and guess what?" She paused to rub his bottom. "I already have it." She started spanking again.

Aquilla was crying and kicking his legs, and his bottom was turning red, but still, the demon kept spanking. At last, long after he realized that resisting was useless, Aquilla found himself back on his feet.

"Uh-uh!" the demon said, smacking his hands away as he tried to rub. "Not yet." She led him into the corner, moving his hands to his head. "Stand here, and no rubbing." She drew a small circle in the air, causing a rain of green flashes that swiftly disappeared.

"What was that?" Aquilla asked nervously.

"A warning signal," the demon responded. "I have to go now, but I want you to stay in this corner for an hour. If you move, or try to rub that cute little rear, I'll know about it, and I'll come back and start your spanking from scratch. Also, it will let you a whistling sound when your time is up."

That last part was true, the rest wasn't, but she wasn't about to tell him that. She liked the thought of the young magician standing in the corner, even if she couldn't be here to see it. "Just a quick warning. If you try to summon me again, I'll be less merciful. Got that?" she said, giving each of his cheeks a few good smacks.

"Ow! Yes, I got it!" he whined.

"Good." And in a flash and a cloud of sulphur, she was gone.

Aquilla stood in the corner, coughing, hoping that no one, especially Lucinda, would come by before his corner time was up.

Hard Choice (M/f story)

Natalie loved staying with her brother. Even though he was usually quite busy working on his Master's degree, Keith always had time to listen to her in a way that their parents didn't. She was spending a few weeks at his place while their parents were away, and she couldn't be happier. He was usually kind and generous, but she knew that he had a stricter side. The cold, disappointed look in his eyes as he glared down at her left her in no doubt which side he was currently displaying.

She wasn't entirely sure why she'd bought the beer. Jessica, one of the more popular girls in class, often asked her older sister to buy some for her, and she'd asked Natalie if she wanted some. There was something about a forbidden drink, offered by someone she'd like to have as a friend, that made it hard to say no. She decided to smuggle it in and hide it in her closet when Keith was at college, but he'd had the day off, and had caught her with the six-pack in her hand.

"What exactly do you think you're doing, young lady?" he'd asked her, the friendly grin he usually sported replaced by a strict glare. Unable to lie to his face, she'd stuttered out the truth. "You're far too young for this," he told her. "I've seen what happens to people who start drinking early, and it's rarely pretty. Drinking isn't going to make you cool or popular, just broke and nauseous."

A few hours later, she was lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She'd been grounded for three days, and he'd taken away her laptop and her cell phone. She wasn't allowed to leave her room, or do anything but do homework, read books, or consider the consequences or her actions, and she didn't particularly feel like doing either.

She glared at the ceiling as if she was trying to stare it into submission. It worked about as well as it would have if she'd tried the same tactic on Keith. She felt very unjustly treated, but deep down, she knew their parents would have done the same. Or maybe they wouldn't?

She found Keith reading in a comfy chair in the living room. "I trust you have a good reason to leave your room while you're grounded?" he said, with very little of the usual warmth in his voice.

"I need to talk to you," she said, biting her lip and trying to rub her sweaty palms on the side of her skirt.

"What about?"

"Well, I know I shouldn't have bought the beer, but do I really need to be grounded? Couldn't I be punished some other way?"

"What did you have in mind?" he said.

She took a deep breath, trying to get over the fact that she was actually going to say this. "Couldn't you spank me instead?"

His left eyebrow slowly crept upwards. "You want me to spank you?"

"Of course not," she explained, "but I don't want to be grounded either. Spankings hurt, but they're over quickly. I'd rather get the punishment behind me, than spend several days in my room."

He furrowed his brow as he considered her words. "I understand, but I don't think you're aware of what you're asking me. I'm really disappointed in you now, and if I decide to spank you, it's going to be a long and hard session over my lap."

"I understand," she told him. "And I'm not looking forward to it, but any thing's better than being grounded."

"We'll see about that," he said calmly. "All right, as you wish."

He walked over to the couch and patted his lap. "Come here, Natalie."

She walked over to him on shaking legs; her idea suddenly didn't seem like the stroke of genius it had been when she thought about it in the safety of her room. Once she reached him, he gently guided her over his lap, making sure she was as comfortable as possible under the circumstances. She blushed a bit as he grabbed the hem of her skirt, lifting it up to reveal her blue cotton panties, but when he placed his thumbs in the waistband of those panties, she panicked.

"Can't I keep them on?" she said frantically, grabbing her panties to keep them in place. "You don't have to pull them down – they won't protect me much."

"Natalie, you're not in charge here. Move your hand, or you'll get extras, and you have quite the punishment coming without it."

Reluctantly, she did as she was told, and in a flash, her panties were at her ankles. Her unprotected cheeks were now exposed to the elements, and the apartment suddenly seemed to have a cold breeze blowing.

As Keith raised his hand and the first smacks landed on her pale posterior, Natalie gasped in surprise. She couldn't believe how much his hand stung, and it wasn't long before she was squirming over his lap. "It hurts," she whined after a while.

"It's supposed to," he told her. "You asked for this, and now, you're going to get it."

After a hard series of swats to her sit spots that had her squirming even more, she told him, "I've changed my mind! I don't want to do this anymore!"

"So you'd rather be grounded?" he asked her, not pausing a single second in the assault on her backside.

"Ow! Yes, I would! Send me to my room!" she said, grimacing in pain. Her buttocks felt like she'd just sat in a bonfire.

"Well, unfortunately for you, young lady, the choice is no longer up to you. You've earned this spanking, you've even ASKED for it, and I'm going to give it to you."

Tears were rolling down her face now, and she was sobbing loudly, promising to behave FOREVER if he'd just let her off his lap. But Keith continued to spank her, his hand landing firm and unyielding like a paddle as he slowly painted her bottom red.

Finally, when she was convinced that she would never be able to sit again, he stopped the spanking. After letting her calm down a bit, he helped her up and gave her a hug as he rubbed her back, telling her that everything was forgiven. She cried into his shirt, and he just held her in his arms.

He carried her back to her room, placing her face-down on her bed as he let her rest, getting her strength back. Well, he thought as he returned to his book, it hadn't been a pleasant experience, but if it improved her behaviour, he'd definitely do it again. It was far better than having a sulking teenager around the house.


I'm sorry to have to do this again so shortly after the previous one, but for health reasons, I'm going to have to take a short brea...